Emily Sim Inspires NBC 7

Local News Station Surprises Sim in Class with the “Inspirational Student of the Month” Award

Madison Young

Senior Emily Sim, stands proudly with her newly accumulated certificate, next to her parents and school staff. She was interviewed on her successes with her “Senior Prom” Genius project for NBC 7 News broadcasters.

Madison Young, Staff Writer

Last Wednesday, April 25th, Senior Emily Sim received praise for garnering the NBC 7 title: Inspirational Student of the Month. Well known reporter, Rory Devine, took the time to surprise Sim during the beginning of her AP Psychology Class that day and held an in-person interview with both her and her parents in front of all of her peers. Certain staff was also present; including principal Cesár Morales, English teacher Corrie Myers and social science teacher Allison Williams.

Throughout her roughly twenty minute interview, Sim disclosed the multitude of activities and programs that she has been involved in throughout the course of her high school career. The certificate that came with her coverage explained the award to be a form of, “recognition of… initiative, service and dedication to school, family and community.”  From captain of the varsity girls tennis team to Lieutenant governor of key club international, Sim has accomplished all of the requirements that meet this prestigious award. Nothing in her extraordinary schedule comes close to her work with her Genius Project, “The Senior Prom”.

“The Senior Prom” was a project that fused all of Sim’s exceptional qualities into one amazing night and a long and sedulous amount of work and passion. Sage Creek English teacher, Corrie Myers nominated Sim due to the kind of amazing and helpful person that she is and the wonderful character that she possesses. Her willingness to help others and the immense amount of admiration that she has for her community being the blatantly obvious factor that went into Sim’s nomination.

Myers explained throughout her interview with Rory Devine on the basis of reasoning when it came to nominating Sim to NBC 7.

“As a sophomore, she pursued her passion in kindness in a blog that she wrote and did these random acts of kindness. I knew she was involved in key club; with all of the different things, she is leading clearly this is not a one-off… To describe somebody as kind can seem really typical but this is Emily to the core. She’s kind-hearted and compassionate and I nominated her because this particular project is a reflection of all of that and leading with that characteristic has been a huge influence,” Myers said.

At this prom, senior citizens within the Carlsbad community had the opportunity to take part in a fun-filled evening of dancing and raffle bidding. Students from our very own Sage Creek High School had the possibility to aid Emily in the execution of this project from decorating the event to interacting with the guests. Junior Maddie Rausa who participated and volunteered throughout that night had spoken to reporter Devine on why she had went, what she enjoyed, and what she thought of Sim as an individual.

Rausa has a lot to say when it comes to Sim’s dedication and primary position as a leader within our campus.

“She has a really great disposition about her, she just seems calm so that makes her a good leader and she just seems to really care about making sure that everyone’s happy and values giving back to her community,” Rausa expressed.

When it came to receiving this award, Sim’s mother, Jennifer Sim, also spoke to NBC 7 reporters about their appreciation and admiration of all of their daughter’s accomplishments throughout her high school career that led to her being titled “Inspirational Student of the Month.”

Madison Young
Videographer Travis MacKenzie, and Education Reporter Rory Devine, stand in Allison Williams’ room last Wednesday, April 25th. They recognized Emily Sim for her exceptional Genius Project and her accomplishments throughout her high school career.

“I was surprised because I was not sure what it was about. I just know that she has done a lot of leadership activities and community service events but you know she’s pretty behind the scenes and she’s humble so I wasn’t quite sure what… [the award] was for and we found out… today that it was for the Genius Project,” Jennifer Sim explained.

Sim is one of the many members of our campus that makes Sage Creek the unique and amazing establishment it is today. The compassion and empathy she holds for others shines through the dedication and organization that went into her successful genius project. NBC 7 had made the right choice when shining the limelight on this senior for her Genius project as a representation of the wonderful individual she is as a person.

Be sure to tune into the NBC 7 News channel-either on May 11th or May 25th-to watch the full-length coverage of the interview with Sim, her family, Sage Creek staff, and fellow peers.