With all the expenses senior year comes with, Dominic Manente and his team of senior class advisors have come up with the perfect solution on how to cut down how much a senior will have to pay this year. The senior class counsel has come up with the “senior passport” which is a basically a giant ticket that gives access to the majority of the senior events taking place this year. Starting on Feb. 12, you will be able to buy this budget booster deal.
In this senior passport, you will be given a variety of senior events that will be taking place this year. The first being admission to senior legacy night taking place on June 1 which is where yearbooks will be distributed early. The next event takes you to Disneyland for the senior trip. Transportation will be included. The trip will take place on June 12. Lastly you will get access to the Senior breakfast and transportation to the venue. Note however this does not include admission to PTSA Senior Night Hornblower Cruise on graduation. You will have to buy it separately.
The passport’s pricing has been broken down into tiers. From Feb. 12, 2018 to March 2 the price for the passport will be $139.00. Right after that on March 5, the second tier will kick into effect and from March 5 to March 30 the price will be $159.00 so make sure you get the passport as soon as possible. A park hopper Disneyland ticket can also be bought with this passport however it is an extra $45.00.
If you would like to learn more about this passport or any of the senior events please visit this website.