The Sage Publication is the student news site of Sage Creek High School in Carlsbad, CA

Amanda Klein

US History

What would you say is the difficulty level of this class?

“It’s pretty rigorous; a lot of reading, a lot of writing, a lot of stuff to learn. So it is definitely meant to be an introductory college level course.” (Leif Peterson, teacher)

“On a scale of one to ten, probably a seven.” (Olivia Michael, senior)

“You still have to work hard, but it’s not one of the top three hardest AP classes. You still have to work hard, keep at it, but you’ll do fine.” (Keith Pereira, senior)

What is the workload like?

“On average, roughly about an hour each night, Monday through Friday.” (Leif Peterson, teacher)

“Probably an hour and a half to two hours a night reading the chapter, because you have to read basically a section of a chapter every night, and then have a quiz every single day on that section of the chapter, so you actually have to read it. Yeah, I’d say an hour and a half to two hours because you also have to work on key terms and written responses and stuff like that.” (Olivia Michael, senior)

“Generally, you just work on notes pretty much for homework so everyday you do one or two sections on a chapter and then he reviews it over class.” (Keith Pereira, senior)

Any tips for students looking to take this class?

“Make sure that you keep up with reading and don’t get behind, because if you, do you are never going to catch up. And also, if you don’t keep up with the reading, you are going to fail all the quizzes, and the quizzes actually count. Don’t cram the night before because it’s just half of your grade isn’t even the test, it’s the stuff you do in class, so keep up to date.” (Olivia Michael, senior)

“Pay attention.” (Keith Pereira, senior)

Is there anything you would have done differently now that you have taken this course?

“Probably keeping a one-page summary of every chapter so then the week before the exam I could just go over all those one-pages and then I’m set for the exam instead of having to scramble through all of my notes and just having that one page that summarizes it all.” (Olivia Michael, senior)

“Take more in depth notes I guess, kind of connecting the chapters because in the AP test you kind of have to connect different subjects.” (Keith Pereira, senior)

What kind of student should take this class/Why would a student want to take this class?

“Because they love history.” (Leif Peterson, teacher)

What kind of careers could this class lead to?

“Anything. You don’t necessarily need to take the class just because you like history, anyone can take it. Regardless if it is your favorite subject it is still an interesting class and it will still cover a lot of relevant subjects, so it is open to anyone if they are willing to do the work. Career-wise though, I have no idea. Historian. It could apply to a lot of things, it would be a lot I think.” (Leif Peterson, teacher)

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