Senior Awards Night Recap
Principal Cesar Morales greets the festive crowd on senior awards night.
Sage Creek held its first annual Senior Awards Night in the Bobcat Arena on Wednesday, May 24. Math teacher Domenic Manente hosted the event, while counselors Roger Brown and Cynthia Frushone helped announce the seniors that were honored for their hard work and dedication over the last four years.

Seniors and members of Bobcat nation gather to celebrate the class of 2017.
After the introductions to some of Sage Creek’s outstanding teachers and faculty members, the night was kicked off with scholarship presentations that were granted by the Carlsbad Educational Foundation, Jonathan Tarr Foundation, Carlsbad Rotary, Coastal Community Foundation, North County African American Women’s Association, Optimist Club of Carlsbad, and the Soroptimist International Oceanside Carlsbad.
Senior Standout Recognitions:
CTE: David Meinen, Julia Zueck
AVID: Ben Barajas, Jennifer Ordonez
English: Taylor Moseley, David Rudolph
English Language Learner: Samuel Calleja, Jill Chiang
Journalism: Jack Lieberman
Mathematics: Ryan Nemiroff, Julia Zueck
Science: Anna Perhach, Ryan Nemiroff
Social Science: Alex Sonck, Rhiannon Mann
Student Support Services: Cody Kerrefky, Kelly Hack
World Language ASL: Ashton Arrington
World Language Spanish: Sofia Trevino
VAPA: James Melkonian, Leanne Mclntee
Athletics: Beau Prince, Heather Feldman
National Merit Hispanic Recognition:
Ryan Torres
National Merit Commended Scholars:
Brianna Bunchman
Zachary Iden
Cameron Joe
Meredith McCallum
James Melkonian
Sean Park
Bryant Phan
Ryan Torres
Senior David Rudolph was honored for his efforts and successes in the classroom. He was recognized by the English department for outstanding academic performance over the past four years.
“I was so humbled to receive the English Award because I know there are many other students here at Sage Creek equally deserving,” Rudolph said.
Following a five minute stretch-break suggested by Manente, the Sage Creek Counselors announced their senior recognitions. There were so many worthy seniors for recognition that they were separated into three groups according to counselor. Mr. Brown announced over 52 names of senior awardees in group one who received a certificate and a handshake from Mr. Morales. Group two was presented by Ms. Frushone who read off over 60 deserving students, and Mr. Brown filled in for Mrs. Payne and announced the remaining 50 seniors. All 162 students recognized received either a Seal of Biliteracy, were recognized for their participation in National Honors Society and/or were on the Honor Roll.
The most prestigious award of the night, the Bobcat Spirit Award, went to Heather Feldmann. The Bobcat Spirit Award is given to a student who best embodies the Sage Creek motto of “Be Your B.E.S.T.” and exemplifies ownership, leadership, and integrity both on and off campus. Feldmann demonstrated tremendous amounts of leadership on the soccer field, ownership in the classroom, and integrity in the community.
“I think it was really very well organized and very indicative of how many stellar students we have here on campus,” Feldmann said after receiving her award.
The night recognized the seniors and their achievements, but it celebrated a lot more than that. It celebrated Sage Creek’s first ever graduating class and all the people who made that class special, the people who dedicated themselves in their high school career and put Sage on the map for academics and athletics.
“I thought it was set up very beautifully and the decorations were sophisticated…” senior Angelina Rocca said after receiving the Seal of Biliteracy for four years of ASL. “It’s amazing to think about how fast these four years have gone, it seems like just yesterday I walked through the gates for the first time.”

Jake McAllister is a staff reporter for The Sage. I specialize in photography and writing, I look forward to bringing my talents to our school newspaper...
Dora Zueck ◊ Sep 12, 2017 at 3:42 pm
Thank you very much for the corrections.
Sincerely Dora Zueck
Dora Zueck ◊ Sep 5, 2017 at 5:47 pm
As a parent of an awardee for the Senior Standout awards in June 2017, please note the following errors in you Senior Awards Night Recapp. Julia Zueck received the Senior Standout CTE award along with David Meinen. Julia Zueck also received the Senior Standout Mathematics award along with Ryan Neimroff. It would be good to have an editor double check this type of information in the future. Respectfully, Dora Zueck, parent of Julia Zueck