Why Don’t We Have a Football Team?

Jeremy Colvin, Staff Writer

Sage Creek has a full sized football field, but no football team? CSNnews.com says that there are over 1,000,000 high school students that play football. Having a football team is a big part of supporting and getting involved with your high school. Students go to football games for school spirit, happiness and just hanging out under the Friday Night Lights.

High school football games give students something exciting to look forward to. At Carlsbad High School, where the main sport is football, the games serve as an opportunity to rally the classmates together in support of their school. Many students enjoy going to football games, and a lot of students play on football teams. Students will begin to choose Carlsbad High over Sage Creek due to the ability to play football for the Lancers. Going to a football game can be a fun social event, for anybody who goes. You could watch the game, meet up with some friends, buy some food, or just enjoy the atmosphere. Going to a game is always a day to look forward to, unless you go to Sage Creek.

The main reason for not having a football team is that it is too expensive. If the school can’t afford a football team, then how can we afford to build a visual and performing arts center? Sage Creek already has a terrific football field and they just rent it out to pop-warner and other football teams. With a beautiful four year old football field just sitting there with no football team, the question is why did the architects and faculty members choose to build it in the first place?

Mr. Cory Leighton mentioned that, “The idea of being a new school in a two high school district is to provide distinct opportunities for our students.” By having a more engineering and biomedical look at Sage Creek, many people thought that those additions would be enough to add to the “wow factor” of the second school in Carlsbad.

Sage Creek High School is now under construction to build a performing arts center. The arts center was supposed to be done in about a year, however, with new construction plans and revaluations, it should be done around 2018. With the reevaluation for the school, many students have gotten increasingly frustrated with proposal and now the question of football has been raised again around the school. Would a school rather have a football team to bring students closer together or an arts center that provides the theater program with more spotlight at the Sage? Having a football team can be a good addition for any school. When anybody goes to a football game, they are supporting the school at the same time.