Strength and Conditioning P.E. Fosters Physical and Mental Health

Photo by Austin Jew

A row of exercise bikes await Strength & Conditioning students toward the entrance of the weight room. With the variety of exercise machines available, the weight room allows students to develop various parts of the body and familiarize themselves with new workouts.

Physical education is a fundamental part of high school, but the question remains: is it time to update and expand a student’s outlet to exercise at school? Coach Kung is doing exactly that in Sage Creek’s strength and conditioning P.E. class, a new course for upperclassmen to explore more than just the basic P.E. curriculum.

 Kung expresses what his goals were in starting this new class at SCHS. 

“We only had one extra P.E. class, which was life fitness, for 10th-12th graders to fulfill the rest of their P.E units,” Kung said. “I knew that I had background in strength and conditioning, and I knew that a lot of students enjoyed using the weight room.” 

That’s just the case for senior Nolan Altenhoff, who’s a third-year strength and conditioning student.

 “My favorite thing about this class is that I actually get to work out and build muscle, not just run around on the field,” Altenhoff expressed. 

Strength and conditioning coach Danny Kung speaks to a student about weight lifting. Kung began the course at Sage Creek to foster an environment for athletes looking to better themselves. (Photo by Austin Jew)

The class offers a variety of athletic subjects students have the opportunity to learn about, and practice firsthand, like lifting, strength training and recovery. 

“We lift on Monday and Fridays in the weight room. We learn a bunch of different exercises from Olympic lifts, to standard lifts. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, we run with circuit work or a HITT workout, and then on Wednesdays, we tend to take recovery days where I teach them how to stretch and roll out,” Kung said.

This versatile schedule helps students build muscle, and increase their aerobic capacity week by week. Students also get the chance to learn about their bodies.

“I’ve learned what muscles there are, and where they are in the body,” Altenhoff said.

Additionally, it doesn’t matter what level students are starting off at, the class is participation, effort and progress based. Kung emphasizes how important progression and advancement are to him. All that matters is leaving the class knowing more than before.

A list of exercises is written on a board at the front of the weight room. The course allows students to discover what routines work best for their needs. (Photo by Austin Jew)

“I don’t care what starting point you’re at, my goal is that you start my class in a certain level, and when you leave you’re better off and feel comfortable about things,” Kung said. 

Overall, strength and conditioning is for the body and mind. Students enjoy the class because of the feeling of accomplishment which makes them keep coming back year after year. 

“The benefit of strength and conditioning is it makes you feel amazing after. You get to actually build muscle. It makes you feel good,” Altenhoff said 

Lastly, Kung reveals that his number one priority is safety, and making sure students feel good about themselves. 

“The whole purpose of them being here is to really tap into how to lift, kinda the science behind things, to get them stronger, to help them feel better about themselves, and it’s a journey.”

Whether it’s through athletic performance, confidence or mindset correction, strength and conditioning P.E. is impacting students in the best way possible. Coach Kung is inspiring and fostering young athletes to continue a lifelong journey of health and fitness.