Marvel’s “Morbius” Reached Theaters but Not to Fans Satisfaction
Marvel Studios’ newest addition, “Morbius”, hit theaters on April 1, adding yet another anti-hero to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) collection. Receiving negative feedback from websites such as IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes, many ponder whether it is worth seeing in theaters or if they should hold off until it lands on streaming.
The story follows Dr. Michael Morbius (Jared Leto), a nationwide doctor known for inventing the life-saving invention of artificial blood. After studying the anatomy of bats alongside their immunity to most diseases, he finds them a worthy candidate for DNA splicing. His goal is to cure his best friend Milo’s (Matt Smith) and his own terminal illness to give them a chance to experience life normally.
Using himself as a guinea pig in his own experiment, Morbius is cured of his illness, but with major side effects along with it. He inherits the traits of a bat such as a dramatic increase in speed and strength, a radar detecting far away frequencies and the thirst for blood. Marvel’s “Morbius” was the first to include a vampire/horror angle, with some scenes having horror-like aspects.
Similar to “Spider-Man No Way Home” and the “Venom franchise, it is unclear when Morbius or these other Sony-owned films will arrive on Disney Plus. As Sony and Disney plus are still settling many agreements, the earliest the films will hit Disney Plus is mid 2023 according to The Direct. Many fans believe that this story did not give the progression and satisfaction that the majority of Marvel movies do.
Freshmen Hunter Trinh, watching the movie soon after its release, believes there were qualities missing to it that other MCU films provided.
“It was average, with parts I didn’t particularly enjoy,” Trinh said. “ The effects make up for a lot of missing aspects to the movie though. The lack of fights I would say is what was mostly lacking, and when they did appear they were fairly short. I’d give it a six out of 10 and say wait until it comes on streaming.”
Though missing many necessary aspects, the post-credits scenes make up for it by opening up future plotlines. Michael Keaton’s appearance as the vulture once more supplies spiderman fans hope for another future villain mashup, similar to “Spiderman No Way Home”. IGN, yet another review website, also has a well-known YouTube channel infamous for its video game and movie reviews.

This time, Matt Donato recaps the ups and downs of the film.
“Morbius is a gloomy black on black on black tapestry in so many sequences that monochromatically lose visual interest,” Donato said. “A stern tone becomes the film’s downfall because there’s nothing exceptional about poorly underwritten supporting characters and dizzying animated action.”
Whether enjoying certain aspects or not enjoying it at all, Morbius is yet another solo Marvel film that, even though not considered theater-worthy, should be considered when coming to streaming. Though not having the same impact as past MCU films, Marvel still had the audacity to experiment with a horror-type approach, opening doors in the future for the upcoming Blade film.
Morbius Fan 123 ◊ May 13, 2022 at 1:26 pm
Dude, you have NO IDEA what you’re talking about. Morbius is a marvel legend, and a piece of art. It is my favorite marvel movie, nay, favorite movie to date. #3MORBILLION #MORBIUS SWEEPS
Noah Kopman ◊ May 12, 2022 at 9:40 am
You all have no clue what you’re talking about. Regardless of the success or popularity of the movie, writers are meant to express their opinions. Of course controversy is normal and expected, but if an article were to be unbiased, there would be no side taken and it would be completely neutral. By taking a side as Holden has done here, he makes the article subject to interpretation and it makes what he’s writing about that much more interesting.
William Lee ◊ Apr 28, 2022 at 3:20 pm
Morbius changed my life.
It changed the way I eat
It changed the way I walk
It changed the way I talk
It changed the way I see
After exiting the movie theater, I was stunned. The acting was so stunningly good, I was stunned to have tears in my eyes. I was stunningly shaking so stunningly bad that I was stunningly about to become stunningly crippled. Overall, the stunning movie change my Unstunningly life.
Felix Gross ◊ Apr 28, 2022 at 2:22 pm
Michael Morbius’s story and arc in this film was game changing in the film industry. Not only is it inspirational and sheds a light to an anti-hero that is also disabled, it is a genius plot. I believe Morbius is one of the greatest films in 2022, it has some of the best plot, CGI, and acting to date. I personally think this review is somewhat biased as it also fails to get certain facts right. First of all, its not a “Marvel” movie, however, it could be possible that Morbius might enter the MCU after Vulture got teleported to his universe. Its a film done by Sony Entertainment. I think this movie was very good and the reviewer should potentially rewatch the movie or watch it again, all in all though the Morbius movie was rather exquisite in my opinion.
JL ◊ Apr 28, 2022 at 10:50 am
Watching Morbius was life-changing. Morbius was a theatrical experience that brought light in dark times. Watching slow-motion Jared Leto move made you feel as if you could be a better person. I want to be like Morbius. We are the Morbius Army, we are Morbius,
Kyle Gatti ◊ Apr 28, 2022 at 9:08 am
I respectfully disagree. A true Alpha male would see the masterpiece that this movie is. Beta Males just want to hate on the masterpiece that is Morbius. #MorbiusSweeps
Luke Peterson ◊ Apr 28, 2022 at 9:06 am
I am a proud supporter of the #MorbiusSweep Army. I am disappointed by the bias/misinformation in your article as you have misrepresented the masses. The Morbius Army will rise. This was the best hour and 48 minutes I have spent in my entire life, and it is my hope that the sequel will further fulfill that. Oscar-winner Jared Leto’s masterful performance brought me to tears as I and the audience collectively went on the journey of our lives, and it pains me that you couldn’t feel that. #Morbius2 #MorbiusSweeps #ILoveJaredLeto
Steven L ◊ Apr 27, 2022 at 9:55 am
While I have yet to see Morbius, I feel as if this article is some what biased against the movie and ignores the movie’s fanbase, which is seen in the movie.
Steven L ◊ Apr 27, 2022 at 9:55 am
*The comments
Jared Newman ◊ Apr 27, 2022 at 9:41 am
Actually, Morbius is a defining film of our generation and will inspire directors for years to come. It will be ranked among the greats in terms of timeless beautiful cinematic masterpieces and will be enjoyed by viewers throughout the rest of human history. I love Morbius!
Morbheads, Assemble!
If Morbius has a trillion fans I am one of them.
If Morbius has 10 fans I am one of them.
If Morbius has no fans, that I means I am no longer on Earth.
If the Universe is against Morbius, I am against the Universe.
I love Morbius until my last breath.
Daniel Lee ◊ Apr 27, 2022 at 9:41 am
I LOVE MORBIUS! #MorbiusSWEEP #Morbheads
Canon Robert Bess ◊ Apr 26, 2022 at 9:31 pm
Morbius is name that strikes joy into the hearts of many people, it is a cinematic masterpiece that stole the hearts of many viewers myself included. But to understand the truly enlightening experience that Morbius is we need to go back in time to the creation the the video camera. The oldest video that we know of was recorded in 1888 and was only two seconds long. Do not believe lies about this creation though, the video camera was invented by 4 time travelers who formed a team called “The Morbi Maniacs” this team knew that over 100 years later their ancestors would create the masterpiece of Morbius. The Morbi Maniacs have grown, there are much more than 4. Estimates say that they may number over 1 morbillion in members which would make them the strongest and largest organization in the world. they are the puppets pulling the strings in history ever since 1888. If you did not know any of this you have clearly not seen the movie as it all becomes clear at the end. In conclusion Morbius is the greatest cinematic masterpiece ever created. #morbiussweep!
Sincerely, Sir Canon Robert Bess
Mariano R ◊ Apr 26, 2022 at 9:56 am
Wrong, Morbius was amazing if it was a bad movie why did they sell over 1 morbillion tickets? #MorbiusSweep
Nicholas R ◊ Apr 26, 2022 at 2:49 pm
I agree people dont realize how outstanding this film is.
Zachary Whitlock ◊ Apr 26, 2022 at 9:55 am
Actually, Morbius was the best movie ever made and has changed the way many people have viewed movies.
Jared ◊ Apr 26, 2022 at 9:29 am
I’d like to disagree with this article, Marvel’s “Morbius” was one of, if not the best superhero films in the recent 3 years. Although Matt Reeve’s “The Batman” came out in March, I believe Morbius is a close contender, if not better than Reeve’s “The Batman”. The story of Michael Morbius, a crippled, fighting his way to cure his disease is just the superhero story we need in this political climate today. Not only is it inspirational, but it is poetic and extremely symbolic. I think you should’ve watched the movie before you made a review on it because it definitely beats “Spider-Man No Way Home” by a LANDSLIDE! Although there are various memes that poke fun at “Morbius”, there are also a lot of well-received posts from the Morbius movement. #MorbiusSweep #MorbiusArmy #JacksonKlaas17thBirthdayextravaganza
#MorbiusSweep ◊ Apr 26, 2022 at 8:18 am
I have to disagree, morbius was one of the most beautiful cinematic masterpieces of the modern era. The only movie that has come close to morbius is the live action avatar movie. There is very much evidence saying how morbius is a stunning masterpiece, just yesterday it has sold 1 morbillion tickets and made over 1 morbillion dollars. Jared Leto is a beautiful actor who was perfect for this part and played the character perfectly just as he did as The Joker in Suicide Squad.
Jackson Klaas ◊ Apr 25, 2022 at 4:25 pm
Incorrect. Morbius changed my life. I watched vampire Jared Leto and I was brought to tears. It was a cultural phenomenon you just had to be there to experience. It was the best theater experience since Endgame, it took my breath away. It was the best vampire movie since Twilight Breaking Dawn Pt. 2. If Morbius has a million fans I am one of them. . If Morbius has ten fans I am one of them. If Morbius has one fan I am one of them. If Morbius has no fans, that means I am no more on the earth. if the world is against Morbius, I am against the world.
Nicholas R ◊ Apr 26, 2022 at 2:52 pm
Well said. #MorbiusSweep
Nicholas ◊ Apr 25, 2022 at 1:17 pm
I respectfully disagree, I and many others believe that Morbius is one of if not the greatest pieces of fiction ever created, and the main character Doctor Michael Morbius is one of the best-written characters of all time. I say this because he is a marvel legend, He is super fit (Pilates help), and he is not Venom. #MorbiusSweep
Anonymouse ◊ Apr 25, 2022 at 1:09 pm
Bro what are u talking about morbius is bomb. #MorbiusSweep