Upcoming Events for ASB

Photographer: Paige Zepada ASB representative plan accordingly for projecting future events of the 2016-17 school year.

Paige Zepeda, Staff Writer

The ASB team is already in full swing, organizing and coordinating numerous events for the current and upcoming trimesters.

One of the future events that most ASB representatives are excited about is a flag football tournament on Oct. 21 from 5:30-8:30 p.m.

“I think what’s going to make this a such a fun event for everyone is that it’s for all grades and it’s teachers v. students.” ASB member Ally Zepeda said.

ASB is dedicated to creating a memorable high school experience, spending countless hours planning events such as Hoopcoming, Prom, and spirit weeks. The team is also working on the upcoming Fall Formal, which incorporates an Autumn-meets-New York theme, and is set to take place on November 5.

ASB representative Will Mass asserted that “the hardest part about [planning] would be finding something everybody likes and getting their opinions…and timing, that’s a big one.”

Another goal for ASB is to maximize the turnout at games and other functions.

“I hope to get more people to come to our games,” field hockey player and ASB member Taylor Riley said, ¨I’m on the field hockey team and we basically get no one to come out except parents.”

The leaders explained that the process of creating and planning activities is conceived through staff and commission meetings, where the priority is keeping in mind the student body’s varying opinions.

“What we consider when we plan these events is taking everyone’s opinion into consideration,” ASB Vice President Jules Garner said, “you can’t please everyone but we try.”

In order to amp up school spirit and participation, ASB will push out numerous advertisements via posters or morning announcements, plan a spirit week themed to an upcoming event, or rally the Bob Squad, which is a group of spirited students that attends games and related events to hype up the crowd.

Some upcoming plans for the Fall trimester include a Pep Rally on October 12, and the Fall Formal dance on November 5, along with a spirit week that will go as follows: pajama day, camo day, class colors day, twin day, and sports day.

All of these events have been planned in hopes of creating an enjoyable trimester and a fantastic year.