Sophia Mostamand, Staff Reporter
Jun 14, 2018
Every senior advisory class took their some of their last steps on the Sage Creek campus whilst departing during the annual senior walk off event. This event is in order to celebrate all of the individuals who are now graduating and moving on their next chapter in life.
Every senior advisory class took their some of their last steps on the Sage Creek campus whilst departing during the annual senior walk off event. This event is in order to celebrate all of the individuals who are now graduating and moving on their next chapter in life.
Every senior advisory class took their some of their last steps on the Sage Creek campus whilst departing during the annual senior walk off event. This event is in order to celebrate all of the individuals who are now graduating and moving on their next chapter in life.
Juniors Olivia Mejia (left) and Tori Cudal (right) hold up a banner dedicated to the class of 2018 to show off as the seniors leave campus throughout the senior walk off.
Nick Miyamoto leads the remainder of his advisory class towards the front gates of the school during their senior send off.
Campus supervisor, Dan DeLeon stands by Sage Creek’s front entrance in order to say some of his final goodbyes to the class of 2018.
Juniors Summer Fitzgerald (left), Meghan Kim (center), and Kaelin Zablan (right) display a poster created by Zablan as a send off to the graduating class.
Students in Mrs. Andersson’s advisory class are applauded as they leave depart from the Sage Creek campus during the senior walk off.
Kyle Stringfellow walks alongside his other peers in counselor, Ms. DiBenedetto’s advisory class.
Members of Mrs. Alberts advisory class take the lead as the first group of students to walk down the academic mall during the senior walk off of 2018.
Erin Paulin and Mia Bodnar stand left of Jacob Nipper and Darius Rhamanian while beginning their departure from the Sage Creek campus at the senior walk off.
Señor Krámar’s advisory class begins their stride throughout the campus during the senior walk-off.
Senior Christian Davis high fives a faculty member while departing Sage Creek towards the conclusion of the senior walk-off ceremony.
The class of 2018, swarming with excitement after finishing their last final, recently walked off the campus for one of their last times. The senior walk-off is a recently new tradition that began with the first graduating class of Sage Creek High School last year in 2017. The 2018 senior class carried on this tradition this year on June 11th, 2018.
“It was definitely a mixture of emotions, very bittersweet,” said senior Megan Radzinski, “I’m really happy to be graduating but at the same time it’s sad to be leaving these four years behind.”
The seniors walked through the campus as their fellow underclassmen cheered them on during one of their final send-offs. They were waved off with balloons and many decorations along the gates of the campus.
“It’s sad to see all of the seniors leaving, the walk-off was a really cool way to send them off though”, according to freshman Brooke Bassanelli.
The senior walk-off, however, was just the beginning of all of the senior events.
Tuesday, June 12th, the class took their trip to Disneyland. Wednesday, June 13th, they attended a senior breakfast together as a class. Lastly, on June 14th, the seniors will have their graduation as their last ever send off from Sage Creek.
“It’s scary to be leaving Sage Creek, [because] it’s been like a home for the past four years. But I’m excited to see where life will take me,” senior Kamden Miller disclosed.
A final farewell to the senior class of 2018 and good luck to each and every one of you in all that you pursue in the next few years of your lifetime.