What You Need to Know About Prom 2018
More stories from Sophia Mostamand
Port Pavilion lights up the Broadway Pier once the bright lights turn on at night. Combined with Sage Creeks decorations it will make for a great prom venue.
As many of you might know, the 2018 prom is coming up. The theme for this year is “A Night With the Gods” and will take place from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. on June 2 at Port Pavilion on the Broadway Pier.
In order to attend prom, you must have all detentions cleared and have turned in a Prom Dance Agreement. Tickets went on sale on Monday, May 7.
The week of May 7th through the 11th, tickets were sold for $80 with an ASB sticker and $90 without. The following week, May 14th through the 25th, the price is raised to $85 with an ASB sticker and $95 without. The last week to buy your tickets is the week of May 29 to June 1. With an ASB sticker it will cost $90 and without one it will be $100. The last day to buy tickets is Friday, June 1st.
Prom is exclusive to juniors and seniors, with the exception of bringing freshman, sophomores or people from outside of school along as their dates. To do this you must purchase your own ticket and have a guest agreement form filled out and signed.
ASB is working to make Sage Creek’s second prom a good one, so make sure you don’t miss out!
Andrew Coviello ◊ May 29, 2018 at 10:14 am
What You Need To Know About Prom 2018
1. everyone signs the dance agreement but nobody actually agrees to it they just turn it in