A Gift Guide To Surviving Mother’s Day
May 10, 2018
Many of you may or may not be aware that in fact this Sunday, May 13th happens to be Mother’s Day. Whether you plan on getting some store-bought chocolate or formulating a handcrafted card for a woman that you highly respect and appreciate in your life, there are numerous different gifts for this occasion. At times I even find myself at a loss when this date approaches every year. Finding an innovative and creative gift for my mother is always difficult; I constantly want to establish some sort of tradition while also simultaneously creating an avant-garde gift that she will appreciate for years to come.
Here are some of the best gifts to give to your mother or an influential woman in your life this Mother’s Day.

Cards are a simple and personalized present while candles are another reliable present. In order to make a candle increasingly desirable as a gift would be to personalize a candle holder of some sort for the special occasion.
1) A homemade card: If you have absolutely nothing to purchase for this Sunday, or a lack of time to create an extensive project, a card is a traditional and classic way to express your appreciation. A card is also extremely lenient when it comes to how effortless or strenuous the project will be. A card for Mother’s Day can range from attentive calligraphy to some messy scribbles, but all in all whatever the words say should come from the heart. Reading a hand-crafted message is always nice and can help brighten someone’s day.
2) A meal: Breakfast in bed is always a personal favorite of mine to carry out during the Mother’s Day festivities. Serving someone a plate overflowing with pancakes, eggs and bacon served with a side of coffee or orange juice may be the expectation that comes to mind. However, a simple bowl of cereal and toast can do the “breakfast in bed” concept justice.
If you lack certain skills in crafting crepes or pouring milk into a bowl, then even picking up some food throughout the day and giving it to someone is certainly just as kind of a gesture. Concocting recipes on your own or buying takeout from various establishments can be at any time of the day, so it doesn’t have to be breakfast at all. Picking up lunch throughout the Sunday afternoon, or going out for dinner can always be certainly a great offering as well.
The reason why I personally prefer breakfast is because it can start a person’s day in a different way that they normally would. Breakfast involves vacating the comfy, warm, and sensational place that is your bed, and trekking all the way to the other side of the house in order to gain some sustenance. By going out of your way to either make or order some food in the early morning, this diminishes all of the hassles that go into making their own breakfast. They also get to enjoy some food without putting any effort into getting it onto their plate—which is always a plus.

Any food in any form is consistently wanted and desired by a fair amount of people. Breakfast in bed is unfailingly a good call, even if the breakfast is not the most prestigious or gourmet.
Here are some breakfast in bed recipes for Mother’s Day:
20 Foolproof Breakfast-in-Bed Recipes for Mother’s Day
3) A photobook: A collection of memories captured with a camera is always a great option if you have a little more time on your hands. It is perpetually wonderful to be reminded of all of the great time’s that you have had and the relationship that you have built throughout your lifetime. There is no need to scrap every single image of a moment together with them compiled into a single cluster of glitter and glue; you can always just take an old binder of some kind, print out some photographs, and place them into translucent dividers throughout it. If you lack the time, a nice picture frame with a memorable image displayed inside can be a simplistic yet heartwarming present as a substitute.
4) Flowers, candles, candy: By far the most classic examples of what to purchase as Mother’s Day approaches. Flowers are a wonderful form of decor and a way to really freshen up a room. The same goes for candles, which aid in filling a house to the brim with delightful scents that welcome everyone who comes through. And of course candy— or any other form of sweets— are just a scrumptiously decadent form of greatness that warms the soul. All of these combined into one gift-although possibly a little on the pricier side-would be the absolute monarch of all gifts.

Flowers or succulents are always a great option as a present for Mother’s Day. Local places to obtain plants range from the Vons nearest to your house to the Carlsbad Flower Fields. If you are planning on getting flowers for this Sunday, be sure to purchase or pick them closer to the date rather than a couple days in advance-in order to ensure that the flowers are in full bloom later and therefore last for a longer period of time.
5) Do them a solid: If you are living in the same area or space as the person who you are celebrating Mother’s Day with, then doing them any kind of favor would be an extremely affordable way to brighten up their day. If they are constantly baiting you to clean the aftermath of a tornado strike that is your bedroom, then maybe take the time this weekend to put in the effort to do some spring cleaning. If they have been dispirited due to the dirt and muck stuck to their car, then maybe a trip to the car wash before they wake up wouldn’t be the worst of ideas. A favor in any form is possibly the least costly gift to give anyone for Mother’s Day—not to mention creativity is not something that is required when taking out any of such tasks.
6) Buy buy buy: If you decide that making and crafting is just not your forte than here are a few websites that display some amazing gifts to grab for this upcoming Mother’s Day: 275+ Mother’s Day Gifts. These gift lists are loaded with variety and character and can be used at least for some gift inspiration. If you are planning on making something of your own for Mother’s Day also do not be afraid of going to Pinterest and some other similar sites. Despite the stigma that surrounds those who use Pinterest or other “online pinboard” websites, they are quite viable options when digging for motivation to create or purchase a gift.
It is also extremely important to be cognizant of personalizing the gifts you accumulate as much as humanly possible. Personalizing gifts helps impact the people who receive them. They will see the gift overall as more important and meaningful when it is obvious that the present was sought for them specifically. If you want to purchase something that lacks personality— like appliances such as a printer, vacuum, or a blender— when purchasing such items it should be remembered to buy items that relate back to the person you are giving the gift to.
If this person has been rifling through Amazon for what seems like decades now for the perfect cheese cutter, then buying them a cheese cutter would be a good idea. Keep in mind, however; not to buy your mother or someone you look up to and respect something that they would never really enjoy or put to use. I know it seems obvious and somewhat ridiculous to announce that, but you really never know.
All in all, if you can’t seem to acquire anything to give on this Mother’s Day and still care to celebrate a person this Sunday, just letting them know you care can sometimes weigh heavier than it usually is made out to be. Explaining their importance and positive impact on your life to them— whether that be through a text message or through word of mouth— can nevertheless impact that person and make their day a little better than maybe a “normal” day would be. A hug never hurts, and expressing gratitude, appreciation and love is always wonderful especially for those who deserve it most. I wish you all good luck, and I hope everyone has a splendid Mother’s Day this Spring.