What would you say is the difficulty level of this class?
“It is an AP class, so it does require extra work and extra effort, but the subject material is really interesting and is applicable to everyone, so there’s a lot of student buy-in, which I think helps off-set some of the difficult work requirements. So I would say it’s challenging, but it’s not out of reach of anyone.” (Allison Williams, teacher)
“On a one to ten scale, I’d give it a six or seven. The concepts aren’t hard necessarily, there’s just a lot to remember. There’s a lot of vocabulary to memorize, there’s a lot of applied practices as well.” (Jade Huynh, senior)
“I think it really depends, I didn’t think it was too bad, I thought it was pretty easy.” (Cameron Bickerstaff, senior)
What is the workload like?
“I would say at least thirty minutes a night, I try to do m y best to give students a calendar, so they don’t procrastinate, but there should be some reading and reviewing every night that should probably take thirty to forty-five minutes.” (Allison Williams, teacher)
“It’s not a lot of homework. She’ll hand out worksheets, and you have to finish them, other than that it’s not a lot of homework. You just have to study on your own time for concepts you don’t understand.” (Jade Huynh, senior)
“It’s a lot of writing. Lots and lots of writing of key terms and definitions.” (Cameron Bickerstaff, senior)
Any tips for students looking to take this class?
“If you want to take this class, just make sure you have time to read all the chapters. Sometimes it’s overwhelming because there is so much reading to do. But overall, it’s not that much of a hard class if you pay attention during the lessons.” (Jade Huynh, senior)
“If you don’t like reading, and don’t like definitions; not the class for you. It’s a lot of definitions and memorizing stuff, so if you’re not a fan of that, don’t take the class. Also, expect to lose a lot of sleep and get arthritis.” (Cameron Bickerstaff, senior)
Is there anything you would have done differently now that you have taken this course?
“I would’ve actually read some chapters that I skipped over.” (Jade Huynh, senior)
“I would have probably done my work sooner. I used to save it until last minute to write the key terms. I probably would have done that earlier and saved my hands.” (Cameron Bickerstaff, senior)
What kind of student should take this class/Why would a student want to take this class?
“I think it has a lot of buy-in, psychology can apply to so many parts of our lives and help us understand ourselves and others and prepare us to be better people in the world. I think that a person that would be a good fit for it would be a person that is motivated on their own and does have good study skills and can stick to a calendar and is someone organized. I would say they would be a good fit.” (Allison Williams, teacher)
What kind of careers could this class lead to?
“It can be a great foundation for a lot of careers like teaching, going into social work, going into child development. It can be great if you are interested in going on and getting your masters. It can be great for counseling, therapists, you can even become a full-fledged doctor in psychology. I think even if you are interested in being in the medical field, it’s a great fit. If you are interested in doing HR for a company it’s a great fit, you can do a lot with it.” (Allison Williams, teacher)