Genius Project Feature: Melting Metal for Good

Nathan Waits wearing protective gear at he uses his metal foundry.
Sep 30, 2017
After the success of Sage Creek’s first ever Genius Project Symposium last year and the exceptional variety of projects that it brought to our community, it is finally time for the class of 2018 to initiate their Genius Projects.
The Genius Project is an amazing opportunity for the students of Sage Creek to use their own skills and passions and do something for our community.
For his project, senior, Nathan Waits, built his own metal foundry. Waits’s foundry design was inspired by Grant Thompson on Youtube, who has made several videos on building foundries and metal working.
Foundries are used to melt down various metals so they can be shaped in molds. In Waits’s case, he claimed to have already melted, “7 trashbags full of aluminum cans” and also has plans to melt some donated brass casings.

Nathan Waits holding molten metal.
“[The propane-fueled foundry] gets up to like 2000 degrees.” Waits added.
As for what Nathan plans to do with the melted metal, he’s still looking through some options.
“Mrs. Alberts, last year, gave [him] the idea to make a big GP for Genius Project out of the aluminum.” he stated.
Waits also mentioned making metal into something he can sell to raise money for charity.
“[I would] donate it to a Syrian Relief program.” Waits said, as he, “can’t sit by and not help.”
The Genius Project also encourages community impact.
“[His project] has definitely gotten [him] more involved,” and that he has high hopes for the future of his project. “[Waits] never really thought [he’d] even try to get to the symposium But now [he] think[s] [he] might…stand a chance.” he said.
Nathan Waits’s current english teacher, Sarah Hunter, is also following his project.
“It sounds like he’s making good progress on getting more metal and melting it down,” and that, “of course having built the foundry is a huge accomplishment straight out the gate.” Hunter commented.
For other upperclassmen who are currently working on their genius projects. Hunter recommends to, “just start somewhere and identify where that passion is and how you can use that to better your community, whatever that community may be.”
Overall, “you’re going to get out of it what you put into it.” Corrie Myers, Senior Lead for the Genius Project, remarked that,“part of the Genius Project is like reconciling not having things go the way you planned […] that’s something you deal with for the rest of your life.”
Myers ended with an encouraging piece of advice: “Don’t give up. Don’t give up and try. You can do it.”