Sophomores take Ping Pong Championship
Ping Pong competitors fight for the title
The wrestling room has been the home of the Second Annual Double Ping Pong Tournament held by the Fellowship of the Christian Athletes Club. This week’s Tournament was an intense matchup of many teams participating with the champions, sophomores Nick Sonck and Dylan Menante winning Friday’s game.

Champions Nick Sonck and Dylan Menante gear up for the final round.
Senior James Melkonian, the founder and President of the club said, “Ping Pong is fun, and I want everyone to participate and reach as many kids,” while displaying his pride for the club and the tournament in general.
When asked about why they wanted to participate in this tournament, Sonck said, “I lost last year and I want[ed] to replay for redemption with a good partner.”

Amy Benkovich is a senior and one of the original founders of the Sage Creek journalism program. She helped create the first paper, The Sage Creek Times...

Elijah Kinnell is a junior who spends most of his time working and volunteering aside from taking photographs. This is his first year of being a journalist...