Seniors’ Final Wishes

Seniors' Final Wishes

Jennifer Baxter, Staff Writer

The senior class of 2017, who “built” this school from the bottom up, only has a few months left. Graduation is fast approaching, but there are many things seniors still want to see and do.

One of the activities that many seniors, myself included, are excited for is prom. Senior Jason Rex expressed that he is “looking forward to a good prom and hopefully other events that are being planned for [the seniors].”  

I was disappointed last year that we did not have a junior prom and it made me a little sad to know that I had to miss out on this experience. I am, however, excited that we will at least be able to experience prom this year.

During the past four years, seniors have watched as the different departments grew, but there is still so much growth we wish we could see. One aspect seniors will never see and are quite disappointed about, is the completion of the theater. Because Sage Creek is a STEM school, there is often more stress on the math and sciences and the arts often get pushed to the side.

“I would like to see a more artistic side of Sage Creek all around the campus to bring even more life to it,” senior Sammy Calleja said.

Another thing that is important is our bond and growth as we continue this journey together. Over the past four years the entire senior class has become closer, as we built the school and its programs from the ground up together.

“I hope to see a lot of senior activities, bonding (because we don’t have much time left together), memories, and a really good senior prank,” senior Avery Johnson said. Many people, including myself, are also excited to see what prank the senior class will come up with.

As we reflect on the many memories that were created, we look forward to the memorable experiences still to come.