The Disappearing Act of Sage Creek Clubs

When Sage Creek was just a blank canvas with only one class of artists, the class of 2017 really took it upon themselves to establish a nice core collection of clubs. Now that these freshmen have come of age, it is time for them to graduate and move on to education outside of Sage Creek’s campus. But wait! What does this mean for the clubs they loyally ran for four years? Will these clubs just disappear?
As of now there are over 60 clubs associated with Sage Creek. ASB advisor Danny Kung claims that, “right around 30 percent of the clubs are run by seniors.” This means that if no senior is ready to pass the torch, a large chunk of well-established clubs at Sage Creek will just vanish.
However, seniors could prevent this from happening. The English department, which runs all things Genius Project, may be able to give seniors some options. They have given juniors the option to take over someone else’s Genius project and call it their own, as long as they have a new vision for the club. This has created a vast group of students that would be willing to take over senior-run school clubs; all seniors have to do is approach them and ask.
There are some advisors who have a personal interest in the future of these clubs and want them to prosper, too. Science teacher Val Park is an advisor of two senior-lead clubs, and she said she’d be willing to continue running these clubs and seek out new presidents. This means that seniors aren’t leaving a burden for their advisors once they graduate.
“I think that would be really sad [if National Honors Society disappeared] since we have almost 150 kids and have made a positive impact on campus,” senior Heather Feldman said.
Senior James Melkonian does not have a plan in place for replacing the president of his new gardening club. He knows that, “it bothers [him] that there isn’t a Future Farmers of America,” and he, “wouldn’t be too happy,” if his efforts of an agriculture community just died once he graduated.
Feldman put into place a system for National Honors Society (NHS) to continue indefinitely. People can run for an officer position during October. The candidates have their NHS applications reviewed by, “five anonymous staff members.” A small collection of finalists are selected and the officers are ultimately voted in by the current members.
As senior club presidents near the end of their tenure in their leadership roles, they need only seek out the help of their advisors, upcoming members, and current cabinet members. Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors can take action themselves and ask seniors if there is anyway they could take over once the senior graduates. It will take all of Sage Creek’s students and faculty to keep every club afloat as the first round of seniors graduate this June.
“I am more than happy to help [seniors] out if they seek my help,” Kung ensured.

Sean is a soccer fanatic, hockey nut, and avid calf-slapper. He is in Multimedia Journalism to spread news on NHL, European Soccer, and Sage Creek sports....