Shredding at Bear Mountain

Jennifer Baxter

More stories from Jennifer Baxter

The Road Not Taken
June 8, 2017

Fun in the snow coming soon for some students. The Sage Creek Ski and Snowboard trip is taking their annual trip to Bear Mountain on Sunday, January 29.

The idea for the club was born to senior Tommy Hirst, co-founder and President of the Ski and Snowboard club.

“My friend Dylan [Klein] and I had math with Mr. Simon together and we both expressed our love for snowboarding,” Hirst explained regarding the club’s creation, “There was no club at the time [so] we thought we should just create it.”

The creation of the club has allowed students and staff to enjoy skiing and snowboarding with their peers.

Freshman Jacob Renert is going on the trip for his first time. “I am excited about going snowboarding with my friends. I usually only go with my family so it will be a nice change,” Renert expressed.

The popularity of this year’s trip necessitated a second bus to transport all participating students.  

“There about 90 kids going on the trip,” club advisor Mr. Jeff Simon confirmed.

Each student paid an $80 dollar fee to cover the lift ticket and transportation. Before the trip, students are required to obtain their own equipment.

It is too late to register for the trip this year, but any interested skiers and snowboarders should keep an eye out for next year’s trip.