In Fair Carlsbad, Where We Lay Our Scene
Senior, Mike Townzen, sophomore Ryan Harazim, and junior Brenna Hughbanks confidently prepare for the audition day.
Dec 16, 2016
Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet is now the two hours’ traffic of Theatre 3’s stage as they announce their third annual spring Shakespeare production.
On Friday, December 9, Theatre 3 participated in auditions for their class production of Romeo and Juliet, which will go on stage this May.
Auditions began at the start of fifth period and ran until approximately 6:00 p.m. that evening. The judging panel consisted of theatre teacher and director Jillian Porter and co-director Justin Lang from New Village Arts- who directed the previous two springtime Shakespeare shows.
Since the show’s conception, directors Ms. Porter and Mr. Lang have been collaborating on a creative approach for the production, and in an untraditional twist decided that the show will incorporate elements of American Sign Language.
The cast list was posted on Sunday evening to the Sage Creek Drama page on School Loop.
The show was double-casted, featuring sophomore Avalon Call and senior McKenna Foote as Juliet, and seniors Skyler Beckett and Jeremy Hargrove as Romeo, among the rest of the Theatre 3 class.
Rehearsals are to commence in the third trimester, and the production dates are set for late May at the Carlsbad Community Cultural Arts Center.