The Gala provided a wide array of baked goods students and families can enjoy prior to their admission. They came complimentary with the wristbands attendees receive upon admission.
The tech students are hard at work ensuring the lighting cues occur within time of each performance. The pressure was on for the tech students hoping nothing unexpected would happen during the performance.
Families got to view a collection of photos from Sage’s Photography students. Their loved ones and peers were impressed by the images captured.
The drama department’s Costumer helps adjust the living painting. The adjustments helped emphasize the realism of a painting imitating life.
A collection of hand drawn and handmade art pieces are made by Sage Creek’s art division classes. Students worked on them throughout all of Trimester 1 to create the pieces.

A collection of hand drawn and handmade art pieces are made by Sage Creek’s art division classes. Students worked on them throughout all of Trimester 1 to create the pieces.
The Gala Through Photos
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