Two students are in the cutout writing their Pink Out Cards. These ribbons serve as a way to honor those who have fought or are fighting breast cancer.
The Red Ribbon Week sign, which is about keeping a school healthy and drug-free, is hung in the cutout.
Students look happy after placing Pink Out Cards. These kids wrote their cards to honor those with breast cancer.
Two students are racing with intoxicated goggles. These goggles are given out to students to show the effects of being drunk.
Students Kaleb Lambert, Max Lopez, and Kieren Lucas spectate intoxicated racers.
A Pink Out sign is lying in the cutout with cards to write on it. This sign is here to show what the event is and operates as an area where cards can be written.
Two students are having a jolly time racing intoxicated. The kids are trying to race but are struggling to.
Pink Out shirts are exhibited in the sunny cutout for purchase. These shirts can be bought and worn for the rally and to honor people fighting breast cancer.
Pink Out Events Through Photos
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