Although a prick into the arm doesn’t sound the most pleasant, the benefits are greater than ever imagined. Throughout the year, Sage Creeks ASB hosts several blood drives to donate to people in need, including one during the first week of school on Aug. 28 Bobcats came swirling in from campus to show their support.

Students must be ages 15 and up to donate with signed consent from a parent or guardian. As long as they drink enough water, eat normally, and maintain their health, they will be eligible for the blood drive.
Donating blood is a good way for students who want to look into the different opportunities SCHS has to offer. People come together to spread love and cheer while giving back to those in need. The whole ordeal takes less than 10 minutes. Donating blood can help many people with different needs.
According to Blood. Co., a single blood donation can help people who lose red blood cells faster than others.
Sage Creek sophomore Stella Lemaster said, “A singular donation can save three adults and eight children.”
Not only is donating a spectacular way to help your community, but it’s accessible to almost everyone.
Lemaster said that the nurses are typically very sweet. They provide comfort and hold hands with those who may be nervous about needles. The nurse’s simple gesture helps the process go by quickly. “It’s done in a blink of an eye, ” Lemaster said.
Neila Dunigan, a sophomore who donated blood, shared that the experience was quite manageable. They shared that “donating blood saves lives and is cheap.” They prepared for the procedure by eating a nutritious meal beforehand. According to the guidelines, students must not play any sports after out of safety precautions.

“I was really tired after the drive, but I plan on doing it in the future,” Dunigan said. “It might take a little longer to finish, but students get to skip class and they also provide you with snacks.” Overall, they recommended the blood drive to students, staff, and parents.
There are various ways students can help contribute and be supportive if not at the Blood Drive. Whether it’s Sage’s dances, helping with fundraisers like Art Fest, or seeing the fantastic musical productions, everyone can be their Bobcat Best in many ways. If students feel motivated to donate their blood and want more information they can check out Red Cross Blood and mark their calendars for Nov. 7 to be a part of the next blood drive.