On Dec. 2 at St. Michael’s Church, customers flocked to the village to see the 7th Annual Holiday Showcase, also known as the Carlsbad Village Makers Market. The showcase was an ongoing event from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., with plenty of fun events, such as seeing Santa, and hearing live music.
The Carlsbad Village Makers Market is a place outside of the church to find handcrafted items. They hold many fun events like the Holiday Showcase and Toys for Tots.

The fair had plenty of fun stands to purchase nice clothes, hats, woodcrafts and more. Many people were there to walk their dogs and look around.
Santa Claus was in the showcase receiving Christmas wishes from many kids in the village. “I love working for the kids and it’s my favorite thing to do in the holidays,” he said. He gets paid $30 an hour, and he works at the holiday showcase every year.
Santa Claus surprisingly is a dentist in Oceanside. He used to work as a mall Santa in Minnesota before he moved to California.
Patricia Keller, a volunteer for the market, has been taking part in the showcase since 2015 and is very proud of all of the people who helped bring goods to the market. “We don’t have open food, but we have pre-packaged food because we want people to try out all of the restaurants in the village,” Keller said. She said that even during the lockdown, the market has been going.

Olivia Barnett, a resident in Carlsbad, loved walking into the showcase to look at all of the homemade crafts. Barnett says she likes the showcase so far, and that she’s stopped at almost every booth and bought all kinds of things.
“The fact that so much of it is handmade is unique and special,” Barnett said. “The showcase is the perfect way to start the holidays with Christmas music, Santa, and all of the handcrafted goods. I got some really good cookies from one of the booths.”
The Holiday Showcase in the village is confirmed to come in following years and is loved by tourists and locals. Artificers are looking forward to enjoying the holidays with all of the money they earned from selling their goods.