On Thursday, Oct. 26, the Sage Creek PTSA and The City of Carlsbad put on the first part of a two-part meeting with Dr. Josh Way and The City of Carlsbad members. They put this on for the families of Sage Creek to learn and get inside information about what is being changed off campus to keep students safe.
The focus of the meeting is e-bike safety and what the city is doing to ensure kid’s safety.
Principal Dr. Way discussed the goal of these meetings and said, “We are trying to find a safer route for the kids coming from the neighborhoods rather than weaving in between cars.”
We also met with the PTSA President Geyola Telemeque who told us about the PTSA’s role in these meetings stating “We are supporting in any way to push your input whether it’s through social media or in any way.”
It’s great to know that we are doing things to keep students at Sage Creek safe. All parents are welcome to come. The next meeting is next month, so parents can make sure they show up where they can participate and share their input.