Journalism Club allows students who aren’t in the multimedia journalism program to participate in being part of the Sage. It is located at Mrs. Hurlimann’s room, 2307, on the second Thursday of the month.
The science olympiad team aims to improve the quality of science and creativity for students. Their instagram is schs.scioly.
The Mock Trial Club will teach how real attorneys are in a court and simulates what it’s like in a court. Students will compete against other schools in the San Diego court room.
Journalism Club allows students who aren’t in the multimedia journalism program to participate in being part of the Sage. It is located at Mrs. Hurlimann’s room, 2307, on the second Thursday of the month.
During club rush, crowds of people showed up every day during the Club Rush event area. There were multiple large crowds on different days, showing how many people were excited about this.
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