“Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3” is a Must-See (Spoiler-Free Review)

The main logo of the “Guardians of the Galaxy” Movie is presented by Marvel. The brown color of the title might symbolize Rocket as the main character or the grittiness of the film. Licensed Under CC BY-SA 4.0.
After two fun and entertaining movies, Marvel Studios’ “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3” (“GOTG Vol. 3”) brings back the Guardians for their third and final film of the franchise. The emotion, humor and action-packed scenes mix together to give viewers an enjoyable film experience.
“GOTG Vol. 3” did a great job showing each of the characters’ development since the first film. Comic book readers were especially satisfied with the film because of all the easter eggs found within it, such as costume designs and certain intriguing lines. Fans claimed it was very exciting to watch the Guardians grow to become the characters fans know and love from the books.

A key part of any Guardians of the Galaxy movie is the soundtrack, a category in which the film does not disappoint. The song choices perfectly add to the multiple tones of the movie. From the feel-good, old-school style songs to the melodic orchestra played during more emotional scenes, this method used within the last two movies has continued into this one.
By going back to old school 70’s-90’s music days with songs like Beastie Boys’ “No Sleep Till Brooklyn” and RadioHead’s “Creep,” fans were given the iconic feeling of watching a Guardians movie.
Another major part of these movies is the emotion, and this one is no different, with this movie being an emotional rollercoaster. One minute people in the audience are dying laughing, and a minute later they are crying. What was truly impressive was how the directors mixed all the emotions together, and it worked well. People throughout felt how strong and in-depth each emotional scene was.
Overall, the movie was amazing. The character development was perfect, and the way the film went over the characters backgrounds so fans could understand them better was remarkable. The leader of the team, Star-Lord, revisited the planet he came

from, which gave fans more background on the character. The main character of this particular movie, Rocket Raccoon, finally showed his origin story, which finally gave fans the knowledge of how this fan-favorite character came to be.
The two supposedly “tough” characters Nebula and Gamora showed their emotional side and let fans know that in this final movie, they will see the characters’ true colors. All in all, the way the writers slowly broke down all the characters’ origins and the way the movie made people happy even though it would be one of the last times they would see the Guardians made it the perfect goodbye to the “Guardians” franchise.