Sage Creek to Officially Change its Name to Sage Geek After Confusion in Community
Shortly after the name change, the signs that line the athletic mall are to be taken down and replaced. A whole team will be changing the signs from “SC” to “SG.”
From the development of Sage Creek High School ten years ago, the school’s lack of a football team, stellar grades and impetus of educational outlets in place of social events gave SCHS its famous nickname: Sage Geek.
With the uptick of this “calling card” for Sage Creek, the school’s staff and the district thought it easier to officially change the name to Sage Geek High School.
According to students and staff at the school, this was no surprise, and most individuals interviewed were shocked to find out Sage Geek wasn’t already the name of their beloved school.
Salina Workman, a freshman at Sage, expressed her reactions to the name change.
“I’m happy with it; it’s less confusing for incoming students. I remember coming into 9th grade fully believing we were the Sage Geek Bobcats,” says Workman.
Apparently, this switch has been in the works for a while, but staff decided to make it official as it was getting too difficult to explain to approaching freshman classes that SGHS was actually SCHS.
8th-grade student from Calavera Hills Middle School Cara Silvers explained how the name change is extremely beneficial for middle schoolers deciding what high school to attend.
“I actually thought Sage Creek and Sage Geek were neighboring schools – that was until this year when my brother explained that they were the same school,” explains Silvers.
And Silvers wasn’t the only one. After conducting additional research, it seems that only 10 percent of people in the Carlsbad community know the school’s actual name.
Sherry Williamson, a volunteer at Sage Creek and mother of three students at the school, gave The Sage some information as to how the parent population feels about this.
“You know, I’m pretty neutral,” Williamson admits. “It won’t be much of a shift since the parent community already calls the school Sage Geek; most of us we’re just trying to seem cool among the students.”
All in all, the name change has been quite the debacle, and it’s sure to change the way Sage Geek students go on in their day-to-day life.
This is satire for April Fool’s Day.