Dear World, Why Has It Gotten So Bad?

Amy Benkovich

This display features some of the most devastating attacks ever on American soil.

Amy Benkovich, Opinion Editor

I was watching a 9/11 documentary called “Voices From Inside The Towers” and it made me think about where the world is now since this terrible tragedy: nowhere.

That’s the true answer because if the world had come together then it wouldn’t have been that tragic. The true, tragic part about 9/11 is that no one seems to have done anything about it except beef up security and point fingers at an entire religion and race.

Many people that saw, know or lived through the experience saw how powerful the people inside the United States became as they joined forces. America was a better nation, a good nation, a strong nation. But for how long after? 6 months? A year? In retrospect it’s a terrible shame to blame a single nation for something, yet humanity has. We blamed several countries; Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Since when was there another event where an entire nation put two planes into the World Trade Centers, another into the Pentagon, or the last into a field in Pennsylvania? It is the act of the few. You never see the people in these countries doing a daily routine that everyone does such as going grocery shopping. They only show the people who want to kill everyone. The world is its own worst enemy because each nation believes it’s the best.

Well, I hate to break it to you, but your country is not the best. It won’t be the best until it realizes that maybe it’s doing something wrong.

A team is only as strong as its weakest link; this is applicable to the world. The world is only as strong as its weakest link. Now, as you read that, you probably thought to yourself, well that’s definitely not my country. If you read it like that, I hate to break it to you but you’re wrong. You blame others for your own problems.

Now back to what I was saying earlier about blaming an entire country. You are ignorant if you think that what goes on in the world doesn’t affect you personally. 9/11 impacted everyone; it didn’t just affect the United States. It also affect hundreds of other countries including the ones that you are blaming for this act.

That day may have shocked their world more than the Americans because from that day forth they had a new title: terrorists. Since when did someone that has no association with something but just because they happen to be the same nationality as the bombers be labeled as the same thing. That’s like me saying that all Americans are mass murders because of what happened in Columbine or Sandy Hook. That would be inconsiderate and actually quite stupid of me to say.

So it would be inconsiderate and stupid of you to see someone of Muslim faith and whisper to your friends “stay away from the terrorist” when they are standing in a cafe minding their own business heading to work. Since when do we teach our children that a person is automatically something that they’re not?

America may have helped each other out after the 9/11 attacks but why are we not helping each other now? France helped each other out well after the Paris Attacks but why are we not helping each other now? Why has it gotten so bad?

Ignorance. That is why the world is so bad. People are ignorant to the fact that their words and actions have impacts and affects. People are ignorant to racial, religious, and cultural insults. It has become a norm to wake up in the morning and hear about a mass shooting at a nightclub in Orlando or to hear that another black man has been gunned down by a white cop. It has become the norm to ignore it.

In the United States, we start pointing fingers at each other but not at the real problem. Racism is the true problem, and that is where the Black Lives Matter Movement stems from as well. Older generations that were raised in the 1960s are teaching my generation to have hatred in their hearts. I can’t believe that people see someone of a different colored skin and think it is okay to yell derogatory statements. At the end of the day we all bleed the same color so why is this such a large issue?

Racial lines in all countries have become the norm. Since when was America living in the 1960s? Religious lines in all countries have become the norm. Since when was the world playing 9/11 over in their heads? Cultural lines in all countries have become the norm. Since when was the world being born again?

These were all things that we have as the world had fixed with major events: World War I, World War II, the 1960s, 2001, and 2016. The present is what needs to be fixed in order for us to move forward because all we are doing is regressing and at the rate we are falling, we are going to have another world war. What’s next world, why has it gotten so bad?