An Inside Look into Key Club
Key Club hosts its first meeting of the 2021-2022 school year. The meeting was packed with eager Key Clubbers ready to start off the year.
Key Club is a student-led organization that is offered at Sage Creek. Key Club serves as an opportunity for students to volunteer, while they are also learning essential leadership skills they can apply to their futures.
Key Club meets on Tuesdays twice a month and there are at least three volunteer opportunities that are offered on a monthly basis. Volunteering ranges from making ornaments for teachers to spark up their day, meeting as a club at a park to make goodie bags for first responders or cleaning up the trails at the Agua Hedionda Lagoon.

If students are struggling with acquiring service hours, they would not have a rough time if they were a member of Key Club. Students are always welcome to join Key Club, as it is not required to have to join at club rush.
Tamar Shuster has been a member of Key Club since the start of the year. She loved the concept of the club and wanted to become a larger part of it. Shuster is now the upcoming treasurer for the 2022-2023 year.
“I joined Key Club at club rush and thought it would just be a club where you volunteer once in a while,” Shuster said. “But I realized it’s more than that. I loved how we were like one big community. I feel like everyone in Key Club is super open and nice. I am so excited to be treasurer and become a bigger part of Key Club.”
Being in Key Club offers volunteer options; teens can help out from the comfort of their own homes. For instance, the club is hosting a February project to make cards for the elderly. The hours completed can simply be recorded on the service hours form.
The current president and upcoming Key Club president both worked at a booth at Sage Creek’s Hoopcoming carnival. The booth was called, “Pieing the President.” It was an amusing booth for the guests at the carnival to be able to pie them. They raised money for Key Club while working with fellow Key Clubbers.

Molly Glass, the upcoming editor of Key Club, attended the “Pieing the President” fundraiser and enjoyed the atmosphere and energy other Key Clubbers had raising money for something they are passionate about.
“Joining Key Club gave me a new perspective on the way raising money or volunteering as a club can really bring people together,” Glass said. “I had so much fun being able to give other people the opportunity to pie my friend, and get money for doing it!”
Ayla Poole is the 2022-2023 Key Club Secretary. She has been in Key Club since the start of her sophomore year.
“Even if you have a little bit of passion for volunteering, I think you should join Key Club,” Poole said. “Who wouldn’t want to volunteer with your friends while receiving hours?”
She also mentioned the convenience of being able to get hours easily through Key Club.
“There are nearby volunteer opportunities that are offered each month, which makes it easier for me to get more hours.”
All in all, Key Clubbers earn many hours from either volunteering as a group, or individually. The club has a total of 360 hours logged so far and 22 official members. The club continues to grow at its core, meeting in room 1204 and awaiting those passionate about community outreach.