Club Rush Recap
Isabella Bernabeo, Entertainment Editor|Oct 25, 2021
Young Life leader talks with Sage Creek students on the purpose of her club. This club allows students to build closer relationships with their peers, while being involved in many fun events.
Two Model Union Nations members pose in front of the club’s postboard. MUN strives to solve global issues that are inscribed by the United Nations.
A blue and white Key club poster board stands to inform students on the purpose of the club. Key club meetings will be held every other Tuesday at lunch in room 1204.
A GSA member plays a guitar behind their rainbow poster board. GSA welcomes students of all genders and sexualities to find a comfort zone in their club.
Gold Rush club members stand in front of their booth at club rush. This club is connected with the Gold Rush Core Foundation, helping to make gifts and cards for children who suffer from cancer.
Environmental club leader, Aria Phan, poses with two thumbs up. Environmental club will be holding volunteer opportunities that help the environment for Sage Creek students.
A Sage Creek student types on a Chromebook to join the Community Arts club. This club offers artistic relief to many of the artists at Sage Creek.
A Chess club member points to the chess pieces on the club’s poster board. Chess club will be meeting in room 1204 on Mondays at lunch.
Students gather around the Black Student Union club setup. BSU helps to educate students on many of the struggles African Americans face and offers a safe community for many of Sage Creek’s students.
A Sage Creek student signs up for the Aerospace club. This club focuses on teaching students how to structurally design model airplanes, drones and more.