Local Halloween Events in Carlsbad this October
Photo Taken By Isabella Bernabeo
Families roam around at the Carlsbad Strawberry Company’s annual pumpkin patch in search of the perfect pumpkin. Additionally, families can participate in fun activities, such as a tractor ride, apple cannons and a corn maze.
Following the long list of isolation-filled holidays of last year’s COVID-19 pandemic, many previous Halloween events were canceled. Over a year later, the spooky season has rolled around once again, leaving many to wonder what events will be held for this Halloween.
Usually, the Carlsbad Village holds an annual trick-or-treating event for children in the neighborhood. However, both this and last year’s events were canceled because of the pandemic.
Fortunately, talk of a brand new Halloween event titled, “Halloween in the Village,” will be coming to Carlsbad next year. While no further details have been released yet, one can be excited to see what the Carlsbad Village Association has to offer.

Despite the classical trick-or-treating in the village being canceled, Carlsbad’s Strawberry Company will still be holding their yearly fall-themed pumpkin patch. This year the pumpkin patch opened on Sept. 19 and will run till the start of November, officially ending on Nov. 7.
The event is held at Carlsbad’s Strawberry Fields, 1050 Cannon Road, with a $5 admission fee. Within the field is a vast patch full of ripe pumpkins, trailers with an array of food and even a playground full of bounce houses for kids. Additionally, families can pay between $10-$25 for a tractor ride, a shot at the apple cannons and a walk through their traditional corn maze.
In the month of October, the Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation partners up with the Carlsbad Strawberry Company to host a Haunted Corn Maze for visitors who are willing to pay an additional $25 dollars to experience the thrill. Every Friday and Saturday night, from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. volunteers dress in frightening costumes and hide throughout the maze, ready to jump out and scare the first person they see.
Discovery Center Director, Emily Watts, organizes the haunted corn maze for the foundation, providing costumes, food and water for the volunteers.
“This year we’ve had more volunteers than we’ve ever had before,” Watts stated. “So obviously the more people jumping out at you, the scarier it’s going to be…All of the rooms are full. We have people everywhere in the maze so you won’t get ten feet without getting scared of something, we even have some dead babies hanging from the ceiling.”

Throughout the maze are differently themed rooms, such as a clown and scarecrow room for creepy figures to leap out at guests. While some of the “monsters” scream and rustle through the corn, others will follow people close behind as they journey towards the end. Near the end of the maze are “killers” with chainsaws before you exit back into the regular pumpkin patch once again.
Another Halloween event being held in Carlsbad this year is the Plaza Paseo Real’s Halloween Spooktacular. The event will be located within the courtyard next to La Costa Coffee Brewing on Saturday, Oct. 23 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Plaza Paseo Real’s Marketing Director, Breana Yore explained the occurrences of last year’s Halloween event and how this year will differ.
“[Last year] was more like a grab and go, so people would come and pick up a trick or treat bag,” Yore said. “This year it is going to be completely different, we’re going to have a craft station, a Halloween-themed game booth, entertainment, Frankenstein coming out and people can take photos with him, it’ll be way more interactive.”

The event will be driven towards families in the community who are looking for a friendly environment to celebrate Halloween with fun activities, such as a live DJ, face painting and balloon twisting. Plaza Paseo Real will be following all San Diego health regulations and strongly encourages all guests to wear a face mask. The event is open to the public, allowing families to walk in freely, no registration is required.
On Saturday, Oct. 23, another family-friendly Halloween event will be held at the U-Pick Carlsbad Strawberry Company, called “Halloween For Heroes.” This event has been going on for 3 years, offering free access to military families in the community.
Military members can register at fireupheroes.com to be automatically entered into a competition where they have the chance to win free pumpkins. Activities, such as a costume contest, pumpkin painting, hayrides and a corn maze are available too, hoping to get guests to donate to families in need. Visitors will see vendors with an array of food and an ice cream truck to enjoy as well.
Carlsbad citizens are offered both spooky and family-friendly events as they prepare their plans and start to pick out their latest Halloween costume. This Halloween will be filled with lots of fun and frights as the community begins to return to normalcy for the holiday season.