Elective Guide
Jacob Fletcher, Staff Writer
Sep 23, 2021
A Student works on composing a page of the Sage Creek yearbook while peers gather interviews and photos for the class around campus. In Publication Journalism, students work towards producing the end-of-the-year purchasable yearbook. They gather images and student quotes before composing every page with a theme in mind.
A group of students runs an experiment in Biomedical Science to further their understanding of the human body. The Biomed pathway includes four classes of related curriculum: Principles of Biomedical Science, Human Body Systems, Medical Interventions and Biomedical Innovation. As a Career and Technical Pathway (CTE) class, students can experience a rigorous curriculum that will give them the upper hand in college.
Students work on a hands-on painting project in Mrs. Herrick’s art class. The Art elective includes units in painting, sketching, coloring, and even collaborative projects that are displayed for the school. There are alternate art classes available, like 3D Design, which focuses on pottery and sculpting.
Dancers “collapse” after intensive practice for an assembly performance. Dance class trains students to contribute to the Sage Creek Dance Company, which performs at various school events. Students can use the class as a sport and raise school morale at pep rallies and assemblies simultaneously.
A student poses for the camera, ready to anchor for the weekly news segment. Multimedia Journalism differs from Publication Journalism because it produces the school’s weekly broadcast videos and publishes to The Sage website. Students learn about article styles and spend time writing and filming.