From Spain to the States

Paula Corrillo is a foreign exchange student from Spain.

Shae Gebert, Staff Writer

Coming from Spain, foreign exchange student Paula Corrillo is attending Sage Creek High School for her entire junior year to study in the U.S.

Corrillo has always had an interest in studying abroad, motivated by curiosity more than anything. My dad studied here 28 years ago and I also wanted to speak better English” Corrillo said. The opportunity to spend a year in a completely different country is something she couldn’t pass up. However, Spain is far away. Motivated by her desire to be more fluent in English, Corrillo’s love for the beach is becoming more prevalent during her stay in Carlsbad. “In Spain I live four hours from the beach, and I really love the beach” she said.

Being able to go to the beach almost every day has brought Corrillo a sense of comfort and happiness, and she has taken up a hobby while being here– surfing.  She has even “joined the surf club and [thinks] it is a really good experience”.

Paula Corrillo has expanded her love for surfing since she has been her.

Joining the surf club has been a great way to make new friends, although she doesn’t seem to have that problem. “My host sister is a year older so I already made friends. Then I met a lot more people and started to get close to others” Corrillo stated.

Paula Corrillo reflects on her time in Spain and in California.

Although Corrillo befriended many since arriving here, she still struggles with occasional homesickness. “Sometimes when I talk to my friends and they say they miss me, I really want to go back to Spain”, Corrillo discussed. On top of missing her old friends, she misses her family immensely. Being 10 hours away by plane, she will not get to see them for the entire year besides over Skype or over the phone.

Despite the hard times, there are many aspects about Carlsbad that have brought her comfort and have distracted her from homesickness.  This once in a lifetime experience is one she will remember for the rest of her life. “I am really enjoying California! This is awesome and I am talking to my parents about finding jobs here, so that I can live here for the rest of my life,” Corrillo exclaimed.

Paula Corrillo observers on of the many sunsets she has seen here.