How Technology Has Changed Our Lives

Madisyn Goerlitz

More stories from Madisyn Goerlitz

Whether you want to believe it or not, technology is quickly impacting everyday life.

With the recent release of the iPhone 7, the public’s demand for new technology is growing at an alarming rate, and I am not sure it is for the best.

In the spring of 2011, Pew Research Center reported that 35 percent of American adults had cell phones, but last year that number spiked by 29 percent. If the numbers have changed this much in only five years, just imagine how many people will be carrying phones in 10.

Do not get me wrong, I love technology, but it has its downsides for sure. It is nearly impossible to see people walking around without some type of device. Time magazine reported that the average American checks their phone around 46 times a day. Awkward pauses are now filled with phones instead of silence, and human conversation is no longer in person, but via text.

The new generation is all about the selfie and while it is good to have self-confidence, technology can actually affect your health. The Huffington Post claims that your phone may be causing you health issues such as disruption of sleep patterns and posture, eye strain, and even unhealthy muscle tension in your hands.

While I myself spend an alarming amount of time on my phone, I believe it is time that we all take a break. A vacation away from technology would not hurt, but how hard is it to put down a phone once you have become addicted?

Cell phone addiction is not yet considered a “real” disease, but I think we all know that one person who seems to spend a little too much time using their phone.

Despite the fact that there are possible dangers, many believe the risk is worth it.

Technology is not actually all bad; It can keep long distance families, lovers, and friends connected. With over 500 million social media users, there most definitely will be an Instagram account for you out there somewhere.

And if you are looking for another innovative way to connect with friends, Snapchat is another way to go. It is geofilters, stories, articles, emoji stickers, as well as a personalized best friend lists make it an exciting way to communicate with friends and family.

Social media can also be a business platform. Instagram allows you to put your email public if you wish, and people can advertise through you or you can pay to have a public ad. It also gives us a way to express ourselves.

You can post about how a specific topic makes you feel and get instant feedback from others, whether they share your perspective or disagree. Online communication is a unique way to get your ideas out there, unfortunately it also has its consequences.

As the rise of social media progresses, so does the potential for online stalking. Cyberstalking is now considered as a serious crime, and according to the Washington Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs, can be just as dangerous as offline stalking. ABC news advises that if you see something strange happening on social media, do not delete it. Take a screenshot of it and show it to an adult or an authority figure. If it is an extreme case, take it straight to the police.

Albert Einstein once said, “Our technology has exceeded our humanity,” and I am not sure if it is for the best.