Treats For Teachers
PTSA members pose in front of their Treats for Teachers set up. These PTSA members weathered the cold for hours in order to bring a smile to the teachers and staff or sage creek and spent weeks organizing this event.
Christmas themed bags fill the table, ready to go home with a teacher! These bags are filled with various treats, including: a bundt cake, Ghiradelli chocolate, gift certificates, and a thank you note written by the PTSA.
An abundance of fun year-round and Christmas games line the box. As soon as teachers picked up their goodie bag, they earned a chance to win one of these baskets.
PTSA president, Melinda Lintner, hands a staff member a goodie bag. Each teacher or staff member got to remain in the safety of their car, while still being able to receive some goodies for all of their hard work and dedication to Sage Creek.
An ornamental Carlsabd santa hangs from a gift bag. As part of the event, all teachers who stopped by for a treat were entered in a raffle for a chance to win one of the wonderful baskets made by PTSA. The baskets contained games, gift cards, and lots of fun holiday decorations.
Colorful gift packages line the tables in the Round About. These gifts are for the annual Treats for Teachers event which was showcased a little differently this year with a drive-by goodie bag pick-up.
A sign coated in Sage Creek colors decorates the Treats for Teachers event organized by the PTSA. The Sage Creek PTSA put an enormous amount of effort into thanking the teachers and all they are doing even in this difficult time. Their efforts included various signs supporting the school staff.
Snowmen cups, baking essentials, and bread mixes fill the basket. This is one of the baskets that were up for raffle for the teachers and staff of Sage Creek.
Bella Niems, Web Editor In Chief
Dec 16, 2020