5 Ways to Combat Racism

A father and his children stand with signs for the recent protests. The recent protests have been formed in hopes that Minnesota will prosecute the four officers involved with the death of George Floyd.
(Photo Taken From USA Today)

It is common that in the past few days your household has been filled with the commanding sounds of a protest streaming through your living room television. It is common that the names Ahmaud Arbery and George Floyd have been on the table during dinnertime conversations. It is common that your phone screens and every media outlet has been flooded with the phrase “#BlackLivesMatter.”

Millions of Americans are taking a stand against combating racism within the justice system, and with a great amount of the world stuck inside their homes, our society is plastered to their phones, computers and TV screens more than ever, the recent headlines have been extremely impactful. As students, youth and minors, many are wondering: what can I do?

Items that you should and shouldn’t bring to a protest. This photo is intended to educate and provide safety to citizens.
(Photo Courtesy of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez)

Protest. Protesting has been a long, outstanding American tradition; although, many of the current protests have turned violent, thus, going to one could put you in harm’s way. In the same token, peaceful protests (those that exhibit non-violence) are what got us to where we are today. Protests led by Martin Luther King, Ceaser Chavez and Susan B. Anthony, are how the American nation came to be so free and welcoming. If you would like to organize or attend a peaceful protest, click on the following link to see how you can protest legally and safely. (ACLU)

Call your government. If you feel that local officials are not doing enough in your community; whether it be racial injustice or the handling of major issues such as the COVID-19 pandemic, call your local government or attend a city council meeting to voice your opinions and plausible solutions. (KQED)

Critical Thinking. Think critically about the way that the media portrays certain events. It is easy to jump on the bandwagon of the mass media, but what many do not realize is that they are showcasing events in a way that will be pleasing or interesting to the majority of their audience.  Most publications do have a strong stand on their political party, so it is good to analyze the situation as a whole and on your own to gain true insight. (ADL)

The most iconic symbol of voting is the ballot box. Voting is an extremely effective way to voice your opinion and to take a stand in your community. (Photo Courtesy of WUNC)

Vote. While a large portion of the student body may not be able to vote, the senior class is well on their way to gaining that right. Putting the right people into positions of power is one of the most influential actions you can take. (KQED)

Safe Space. Create a space where all people feel comfortable discussing their personal battles with racism. When discussing racism, it is helpful to set boundaries in these types of environments to make everyone feel as comfortable as possible. These spaces can be a club at school such as BSU (Black Student Union), a group chat, an outside of school community meeting, a social media comment thread—anywhere one human being can communicate safely and comfortably with another. (ADL)