Help Your Hiring Process
Feb 28, 2020
Finding a job can be the most difficult feat to conquer in high school, yet it can be the most rewarding. Some students go about the hiring process the old fashion way, others resort to online applications and job boards.
Websites such as Indeed (a website that offers a variety of jobs that you can apply to using a digital resume) can be daunting to anyone, let alone someone who is a first time applicant. Recently a Student Job Board (Teen Job Prep) was created, which creates an easier process that is geared towards a younger, student audience.

Teen Job Prep has an online website that is accessible free to all. The website is geared towards students and the jobs reflect the availability of a student’s schedule.
“The jobs on this board are reviewed and approved in advance,” stated Marci Kawar, joint creator of the site and mother to her own teenagers.
The jobs that are listed on the website have been pre-approved specifically for students. This means that the hours that the businesses are looking for won’t be during school hours, previous job experience will not be required, the jobs have flexible hours to match student schedules, and there are no age limits.
Students have gone through strenuous processes to obtain a job, and by giving students access to a website like the student job board it opens up several opportunities for growth, comfort, and ease.
A countless number of Sage Creek High School students have jobs, and there is a countless number of ways that they got to their positions, often with some difficulty along the way.
“I applied and they contacted me and I went into the interview and basically they just asked a bunch of questions and like scenario questions to see how you would respond in like an actual real-life scenario.” said senior Tyler Jones who is employed in attractions at Legoland.

The list is a plethora of jobs that are available on the student job board. The jobs are hand picked through in order to fit the needs of a student such as work experience, hours, and flexibility.
Jones explained that the questions that they asked “put her on the spot” and it was a stressful situation. Interview questions can be daunting and stress inducing, which is why the student job board added the most common interview questions to their website in order to help build a students confidence before going into the interview. Interview questions specific to a desired job could also be looked up online to better prepare a prospective employee.
Some students’ application process was much simpler such as junior, Noah Miles.
“I filled out an application online, took about a half an hour, and they emailed me back about two weeks later with an interview date” stated Miles.
Miles is employed at a local Starbucks located inside a Vons in La Costa. Although his hiring process was relatively easy, his job as a barista requires him to memorize a pamphlet full of drinks. But memorization isn’t the only lesson he has gained from his job so far.
“I think all parents shouldn’t encourage their kids to get jobs when they’re able to just because independent kids are more mature and they can support themselves,” said Miles.
Having a job has taught Miles money management, time management, and the importance of being independent. He feels better prepared for adulthood and further qualified for future job opportunities.
“I mean, I think it helps them learn how to time manage and balance everything and that responsibility,” said Aidah Salah, AVID teacher.

Text sent by Legoland regarding their upcoming hiring fairs. Legoland also offers online applications on their general website.
Salah explained that having a job will continuously prepare you for the future no matter what path of life you take. If you are going into a job straight out of high school, you will already have work experience, and if you are pursuing further education, you have gained time management and overall responsibility for yourself and your actions.
“So they[colleges] do want to know, did you have to work a job and why, but it also shows them that you’ve learned all those skills,” said Salah.
Jobs not only help you achieve your high school goals, but progress your academic career. Many students with jobs will be applying to a four year institution and when colleges see that you occupied your time by working and learning important life skills, it is something that is taken note of.
The student job board was created with the intent to not only provide students with the comfort needed to find jobs but the open door of opportunities that comes with them. From finding new friends, learning people skills, building your resume, increasing your chances of college acceptance, finding your passion all lies in one little website.
“This is…like the introduction to your actual life,” said Kawar.