12/2/19-12/6/19: Week In Photos

  • Youth Development Assistant Alex Swift begins a presentation on the dangers regarding electronic smoking devices; a presentation provided by the San Diego County Office of Education. The presentations took place both Tuesday and Wednesday for various PE classes, explaining the addiction and damage following electronic vapes.

  • Freshmen fall athletes Becca Petty and Kayley Teagle work with winter athletes Krista Walsh and Hailey Sumano in a sledding whipped cream challenge. The four competed with other athletes from sophomore, junior and senior classes, freshmen winning the class cup points.

  • Sage Creek claims the ball and runs through Coronado’s defense to gain the advantage. Sage Creek and Coronado were on the move as both teams tie up the points.

  • Large amounts of snails crowd the upper walkway behind the 2000 building Thursday morning after a rainy Wednesday. Snails tend to come out after it rains to breath and seek cover during dry conditions.

  • Sophomores pose with holiday PJs this past Thursday for the fourth day of the Winter Ball Spirit Week. Sage Creek had a great time at the Winter Ball which took place at Cal State San Marcos Saturday.

  • Students Kiaya Rowlett, Emma Ray and Sofia Arellano (left to right) gather in the library on Friday before heading to their first period classes. Friday was the fifth spirit day in the week leading up to ASB’s Winter Ball; students were encouraged to dress up in their holiday gear.

  • Sophomores Woojin Chung, Rhonan Fairbairn, Calvin Battaglia and David Aguilar (left to right) huddle together at lunch on Tuesday in 50-60°F weather. Anticipating warmer weather, ASB encouraged students to dress like it was summer in december. Many students showed up to school in hoodies instead.

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