11/11/19-11/15/19: Week In Photos

  • Concentration is key: AP European history students are focused on taking notes in preparation for an upcoming exam. This class studies the history of Europe ranging from 1450 to present day.

  • Biomed students applaud after classmate presents booklet on digestion on Tuesday. Biomed is a part of the biomedical pathway here offered at Sage Creek.

  • ASB Students enjoy the night at Mock Prom put on by SOS Entertainment. Mock Prom is a free event for High School ASB classes in San Diego to help students get ideas for their own prom.

  • A campus tour led by students is conducted after school on Wednesday. The tour started at 3:30 p.m. and ended at around 4:35 p.m.

  • Seniors sign up for graduation outfits and tassels to seniors in front of the Bobcats Arena. Graduation for the class of 2020 is expected to be on June 11, 2020.

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