9/23/19 – 9/27/19: Week in Photos


  • The boys cross country team toe the line at the Dana Hills Nike Invitational. The boys placed second overall.

  • ASB Junior, Danny Higley, shows a fistful of spirit before heading to the ASB Conference on Wednesday. This is Danny’s first year in the class and he enjoyed getting spirited and going to his first conference.

  • Senior Mikey Moran participates in Thursday’s lunch limbo. As a part of Hello Week, ASB planned fun lunch activities, including this limbo competition for class cup points.

  • Sage Creek’s ASB class poses for a group photo at the CADA Area G conference at the Del Mar Fairgrounds. The CADA conference is a way to collaborate with all other High School ASB’s in San Diego and share ideas as well as learning new ways of leadership.

  • Sage Creek students show their spirit by participating in lifeguard day. This came as ASB’s fourth spirit day for Hello Week.

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