5/27/19-5/31/19: Week In Photos
Zach Metzger, Sam Kane and Riley Hull
Jun 4, 2019
All of the spring sports teams that made CIF pose for a photo with their banners. These teams were one of many here at Sage that were recognized at Wednesday’s pep rally.
Joe Fox is up on stage during the Staff vs. Students Comedy Sportz held on Thursday in the cafeteria. The game ended in a one-point victory by the students after a close match with the teachers in the lead up until the very end.
ASB President Danny Rubin accepts a $1000 check for Sage Creek from SDCCU. This award was given as a result to winning a social media contest with SDCCU and Channel 93.3.
Freshman Carl Lerner documents the special lunchtime concert on Snapchat. This past Friday, Bryce Vine performed on campus through SDCCU and Channel 93.3.
Eli Pregerson ◊ Sep 11, 2019 at 2:03 pm
I really liked seeing Joe Fox in one of the pictures. He is a friendly dude.