Why Students Are Choosing Tec-9s Over Textbooks
Imagine you’re walking through the halls to get to class when students you barely know walk by and throw trash at you, call you degrading names and shout inappropriate slurs directed right at you. A school you once thought was a safe space for learning has now turned into a warzone between you and students who constantly fire negativity your way. From the way you dress to the way you talk.

From 1999 to 2018 more than 214,000 students experienced gun violence at 216 schools. According to The Washington Post, at least 141 children, educators and other people were killed and another 284 were injured.
This problem continues on as days turn into weeks, weeks turn into months and months turn into years. You decide to finally take up the issue with the administration, but the problem is, the bullies are well-liked by staff, students and parents. The bullies eventually face little to no punishment as they are well-respected by the school administration.
Days go by and nothing changes, in fact, you have now only added fuel to their fire as the bullying increases. Years on end of torment will create rage and resentment towards the perpetrators, creating bottled up anger and thoughts of getting revenge.
Most students would get revenge by calling them mean names back or trying to fight them after class, but around the turn of the last century, some students have decided to enforce their own type of revenge: murder.
The public school system’s way of handling bullying, on multiple occasions, has caused students to pack their backpacks with Tec-9s and sawed-off shotguns instead of notebooks.
“Victims of bullying are emotionally distressed and socially marginalized among classmates,” in an article written by Jaana Juvonen, titled Bullying Among Young Adolescents, the Strong, the Weak and the Troubled.
This cycle of bullying and isolation due to other classmates causes students to feel unwanted and like outcasts. These feelings of loneliness and anger can push some mentally unstable students to spite their classmates and bring up new thoughts of revenge and killing.
Former Columbine massacre survivor, and friend of the shooters, Brooks Brown, wrote a book titled “No Easy Answers: The Truth Behind Death at Columbine.” In his book, he explains how students higher up in the social ladder would relentlessly bully the soon-to-be shooters, Eric Harris (18) and Dylan Klebold (17).

According to the K-12 school shooting database, the average age for a school shooter is 14-18. The K-12 school shooting database documents each and every instance a gun is brandished, fired or a bullet hits school property for any reason, regardless of the number of victims, time of day or day of the week.
“Everyone Huerter interviewed described the pair as ‘loners’ and ‘often the brunt of ridicule and bullying.’ Although no one had specifics about when and the degree of bullying they received, most often it was about shoving, pushing and name-calling,” Brown wrote.
Another student who attended Columbine during the massacre said that she believed, “cliques and bullying were just part of being in school.” Other students who were faced with bullying tried reporting the incidents with their parents and were “often left with unsatisfactory results,” because the bullies were “popular among the administration.”
To think if Columbine’s administration had done more to prevent bullying and help bullying-victims earlier on, maybe the Columbine massacre would have never happened.
On Feb. 14, 2018, a former Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student, Nikolas Cruz (19), took it upon himself to arm himself with an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle and enter Stoneman Douglas during school hours to get his revenge on students who had picked on him in the previous years.
In an article written shortly after the incident, Julie Brown states that Cruz’s longtime family friend believes he was “ostracized his whole life.”
“Someone could have approached a faculty member, a guidance counselor, a teacher and said, ‘This kid gets bullied a lot, someone should do something,’ I definitely regret not saying anything,” Student Manolo Alvarez said.

The Los Angeles Times states that at least 59 percent of the 185 public mass shootings that took place in the United States from 1900 through 2017 were carried out by people who had either been diagnosed with a mental disorder or demonstrated signs of serious mental illness prior to the attack. A mental illness is a condition that affects a person’s thinking, feeling or mood.
In this incident, nobody at school even felt the need to help Cruz in his time of bullying because they thought it wasn’t important, but Cruz was mentally unstable and the bullying and degradation from students are what pushed him to kill.
According to a study conducted by the National Bullying Prevention Center, “one out of every five students reports bullying.” One out of every five students may seem like a lot, but in reality, one in three students in the U.S. are bullied.
This shows that there is a large population of students being bullied, who aren’t reporting it. Students may not report the bullying they see because they believe nothing will come of it, or it will just encourage bullies to pick on them more.
The system of approaching bullying in public school is old and outdated. Schools should treat all bullies the same whether they are popular among administration or not. The methods public schools have been using for years aren’t effective and don’t do bully-victims justice. If the bully-victim is mentally unstable, all the torment can eventually push a student to kill.
It’s time for a change, now more than ever.
christian ◊ Jun 7, 2019 at 1:37 pm
Bruh how u buy a tex 9 thos things expensive as hecc. You need like 20 permits
Ian Pankey ◊ Jun 3, 2019 at 2:21 pm
Connor, I think you hit the nail right on the head.
Julia Araujo ◊ Jun 3, 2019 at 11:24 am
Thanks Zach. In case you were wondering I am aware of that and didn’t find it necessary for this specific article. I appreciate the feedback from everybody.
Nick Levi ◊ Jun 3, 2019 at 8:36 am
Isnt a tec 9 a gun
Chris ◊ Jun 3, 2019 at 8:22 am
Darius is right on this one, it is our jobs to support our fellow students. If we see someone getting picked on, no matter how bad, the least you can do is talk to them. Make sure they’re okay, make sure they’re loved and that they know it. And if you don’t want to do that, or your better friends with the bully, then talk to the bully. Tell them not to do that, or just take it easy. And if your not comfortable with confronting either of the people involved, then bring it up with admin, a teacher, or any on campus adult that you’re comfortable with talking to. You don’t even have to go into the details of it, you can just say “hey, watch out for them, they were kinda getting into a scuffle,” or something like that. All I’m trying to say is, try to help eachother. Even if you don’t know them, the pain of bullying shouldn’t be felt by any human, no matter what race, sexuality, belief, opinion, religion, look, etc. As Gus Johnson says, “Boys support boys.” So go out there and support the boys.
Darius Rahmanian ◊ May 31, 2019 at 10:50 pm
Being kind is one of the most important traits one can have in any social environment. Bullying is a fundamental constant in all aspects of any social system, the big guy always picks on the little guy. The worst thing any one can do is be an enabler of the culture behind bullying and not standing up for people and treating them as equals. Being complacent is worse and what makes it harder is the whole “politically correct” movement that unfortunately begins to remove context from situations and flood administrations of both high schools and colleges with reports of out of context events that remove the validity of actual bullying. In my opinion zero tolerance policy is the lazy way of handling bullying situations, both the bully and the victim should be made to reconcile their differences in front of teachers and principals after each one is interviewed separately to check the validity of stories and then punishment should be decided .
Report verbal and physical bullying instances every chance you get because it is the same in the real world. Teachers are not omniscient and neither are staff. You must report it yourself and must say only what you saw do not make up stories. Management in jobs have no idea whats going down until you let them know whats happening and if you dont the problem only escalates. Be respectful to everyone you meet , your GPA or sports title doesn’t give you the right to revoke another persons basic human equality. Sage is a good school, everyone is mostly kind and it should stay that way, its up to YOU to help make it the B.E.S.T it can be.
Zach Stansell ◊ May 31, 2019 at 1:28 pm
This article is really well written. I like the use of mostly facts, and I like the anti-bullying message and the encouragement to get treatment for depression.
However, you’ve missed something important that I’m sure you haven’t heard of.
Every mass shooting that I can find (including school shootings) where the shooter’s medication records have been released to the public has been performed by an individual on the anxiety/epilepsy drug called Benzodiazepine. In addition to the shootings, thousands of homicide cases report the perpetrator was under the influence of Benzodiazepine.
I believe without a doubt that this drug is responsible for those shootings and homicides (that isn’t to say depression or anxiety or bullying had nothing to do with it. It definitely did). You can try to convince me otherwise if you’d like. I’m open to debating. But I think that should be added to the article.
Connor ◊ May 31, 2019 at 10:47 am
I believe the reason kids didn’t bring guns to school as often back then is because administration was less harsh about them beating the crap out of each other. You see it in a lot of classic movies with a high school setting. The school bully goes and roughs up the protagonist, then the protagonist comes back to outsmart them or beat them in a fight themselves at the end. A lot of students settled their differences with non lethal fighting. Sure they took a few scars or broken bones along the way, but no one died and they healed up fine. One student here even mentioned to me that he and his squad would fight each other after school occasionally to combat this buildup of stress from school or peers. I myself don’t work out, but if I was under pressure from someone who wanted to pick a fight with me I may feel more inclined to. People in school back then were also stronger because administration didn’t threaten severe consequences against those feeling the urge to fight, so they trained and practiced harder. They only got maybe 2 or 3 hours of detention. Nowadays, students who do this face suspension and possibly expulsion. Walling off student’s ability to let off steam limits their ability to relieve stress when their peers are being overwhelmingly rude. I don’t condone starting a fight, but if someone is starting to think about worse things than just beating someone up, they should have nothing preventing them from making that choice. Safe spaces are even worse. They are a precursor to also walling off angry speech. If someone can’t express their opinion of another, you’ll never know how they feel until they break. Basically, the rules administration enforces are like reinforcing a balloon with a steel layer like an air tank. It won’t burst until a much higher pressure, and the explosion will be much deadlier.
Jame H ◊ May 31, 2019 at 9:28 am
Thought this was about csgo for a sec
Mason Peterson ◊ May 31, 2019 at 7:53 am
Epic Article