5/13/19-5/17/19: Week in Photos

  • As the third week of May comes to an end so does AP testing. Bells will return to their normal schedules here at Sage Creek.

  • Freshman Sean Leong dresses in a pink shirt and sunglasses for Mrs. Olivia Fairclough. Ms. Olivia had her last day of the year Wednesday after she was recently diagnosed with breast cancer.

  • On Wednesday, Mrs. Olivia was awarded District Employee Of the Month. She has been working as an Office Assistant for Sage Creek for a few years now.

  • Everyone celebrated Mrs.Olivia by making a pink ribbon on the athletic field. On Thursday, she successfully underwent surgery for breast cancer.

  • ASB prepares for a prom fashion show. The fashion show that took place last Friday consisted of students and some faculty members dressing head-to-toe in formal attire in order to inspire the student body on what to wear at this year’s prom.

  • It’s Prom time for juniors and seniors! Sage Creek had its own fashion walk to see what students outfits are for prom. Participating in the fashion walk were two special guests, Fredrick Griesbach and Dan DeLeon.

  • Dan Deleon and Frederick Griesbach prepare to walk down the aisle at Friday’s Prom fashion show.

  • Chris Beauchamp speaks in front of a collection of friends and family, as they prepare to watch his Genius Project. Last Friday, Beauchamp held a premier for his short film “Light.” This passion project doubled as his genius project, and was created to complete the saga that he started two years ago.

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