Erin Turner
She is returning from maternity leave.

Erin Turner’s children, Jack and Ellie, pose for a photo. This trimester, Turner returned from maternity leave after having Jack.
Q: How has the transition back to Sage been from maternity leave?
A: It’s been awesome. It’s actually been better than I expected. I was a little bit worried about coming back and being so tired with two little babies at home, but I’ve just been loving it.
Q: What are you looking forward to this final trimester?
A: I’m just looking forward to being back. I have three preps right now, but I love teaching all of the classes that I’m teaching. I think I’m just looking forward to working with seniors and freshmen and teaching so many different things.
Q: What would you consider as your teaching philosophy? Would you say it’s changed since you had your children?
A: I think it’s the same. I think that one thing I really like to emphasize is that we’re just trying to teach life skills. I’m a math teacher, but I also want to teach just general life skills, study habits, especially for my seniors going to college. It’s kind of like let’s be prepared for college as much as it’s let’s do math, and I think that has stayed the same.
Q: What do you like to do on the weekend?
A: On the weekends, I’m just chasing my kids around now and my weekends revolve around naptime, but we do a lot of fun family stuff like go to the park or take my daughter to the museum.
Q: What was your favorite class in high school?
A: My favorite class in high school was math, for sure. It was Algebra 2 Honors with a teacher that I had that got me hooked on math, and then I had him again for Pre-Calc Honors.