Seniors Behind Boys Soccer

Photo taken by Lilly McCoy

The team gathers for a photo under the field goal before their practice ends. The varsity team had 24 players in total; one freshman, four sophomores, four juniors and 15 seniors.

Fifteen seniors, eleven wins and one field. As varsity soccer ended their season, they said goodbye to 15 players; who are moving onto bigger and better things. These are the players who are graduating in June, but not without leaving their legacy on the field.

Photo taken by Lilly McCoy
Adam Salter strikes the ball into the goal during practice. Salter has been playing center back since the start of his soccer career.

Adam Salter has been playing for 14 years and has played all four years in high school for Sage Creek. He enjoys going to the beach, hanging out with my friends and spending time with his family. He has played center back since he was a kid and it stuck with him throughout his career. After graduation, he is planning on going to college and playing intramural soccer.

  • What did you enjoy most about playing this season?
    • “Probably being able to play with all my friends one last time, especially in high school you’re not always able to play with your friends, but high school brings all of us together cause when you play in club you’re kinda spilt apart.”
  • How do you think you’ve improved this season versus last season?
    • “I feel like I played better this season because I got more playing time. We didn’t have as many center backs this year as last year, so I got more time to prove myself on the field.”
  • What will you miss most about playing for Sage Creek?
    • “I’m for sure going to miss it. Every day enjoy going to practice and seeing everyone. We’ve never had like a dull or boring practice. Every game, everyone gets so happy and gets so hyped, I’m gonna miss it.”
  • What are you looking forward to after graduation?
    • “I’m looking forward to seeing where everyone’s gonna be, and where I can see how their skills through soccer and just knowing them as a person has taken them.”

Alex Heller has been playing soccer for 10 years. This year he played midfield, but outside of soccer, he enjoys skiing. After graduation, he plans on going to college somewhere in California and will also continue his soccer career by playing intramural.

  • What did you enjoy most about playing this season?
    • “X showed us how fast he can run. It really impacted us in a big way.”
  • How do you think you’ve improved from last season?
    • “As far as team building, it was a really big thing, like kinda stepping up being seniors.”
  • What will you miss most about playing with Sage Creek?
    • “Once again X’s speed is kinda a big deal with our team.”
  • What are you looking forward to most about graduation?
    • “A fresh start, I am just trying to get out of here.”
Photo taken by Lilly McCoy
Players walk together onto their side of the field before the game begins. Before each game, the coach and their players have a motivational meeting to prep for the game.

Aryan Pandhare has been playing soccer for thirteen years. He has also played golf, but he enjoys playing soccer more. Pandhare played left wing, right wing and center mid. He plans on going to a college after graduation and getting his degree. He also plans to continue playing intramural soccer.

  • What did you enjoy most about playing this season?
    • “Just having fun with my teammates.”
  • How do you think you’ve improved this season versus last season?
    • “Honestly pretty bad, because I didn’t play that much, but it was fun on the bench.”
  • Will you miss playing with Sage Creek?
    • “Yeah, I will, because we made so many memes and jokes.”
  • What are you looking forward to most after you graduate?
    • “Making money.”

Beck Rinks has been playing soccer since he was in first grade. He also enjoys playing volleyball, going to the beach, body surfing, metal detecting and playing video games. He played multiple positions this season including center forward, right wing, center wing and also went for a lot of the corners. After graduation, Rinks does not plan on playing soccer in college but hopes to join an intramural team while also studying mechanical engineering.

  • What did you enjoy most about playing this season?
    • “The team in general, we’re all friends on the team like there’s no drama. Coach Neil is really chill and lets us play, it’s a good mix.”
  • How do you think this season differed from last season?
    • “I definitely didn’t play as much, but I had just as much fun cause it’s a good team.”
  • What will you miss most about playing with Sage Creek?
    • “There’s such a history, even though Sage Creek just started, there’s a history of these guys, and it was really fun building the legacy with them. Also, since we’re graduating, it’s gonna be sad to not play with them anymore.”
  • What are you looking forward to most about graduating?
    • “More freedom, responsibility, kinda doing my own thing more.”
Photo taken by Lilly McCoy
The team practices their drills before their game begins. During their league, the team’s record was 4-4-2.

Danny Rubin started playing soccer when he was in kindergarten and continued to play all the way up to eighth grade. Rubin then focused on cross country, until this year where he joined the varsity soccer team. This season he played mostly forward, however, he has also played mid and forward mid. He also enjoys surfing with his cousin, fishing in lagoons and, if he gets lucky, out on a boat. After graduation, Rubin is planning on attending college while also potentially participating in track and field in college. If not, then he plans on playing intramural soccer.

  • What did you enjoy most about playing this season?
    • “I just love being part of a team, and getting to play a sport where everyday practice is something new and fun.”
  • How have you improved this season versus last season?
    • “I was definitely trash compared to back then, I sat on the bench most of the time. The most that I was playing soccer was in practice, but I mean that’s what I was there for.”
  • What will you most about playing with Sage Creek?
    • “Oh man, I’ll miss the team. I’ll miss how much fun it was even sitting on the bench when we scored and seeing Titus score. I’ll miss going to practice and getting to play soccer.”
  • What are you looking forward to after graduation?
    • “I’m looking forward to being at college, starting my own life, kinda just the college experience. I’m planning on staying in state.”

Garrett Edwards has played club soccer for around seven to eight years while also playing in high school for three years. Edwards also enjoys surfing and playing both indoor and beach volleyball. He has played indoor volleyball at Sage Creek for four years, as well as beach for three years. In his soccer career, Edwards started out playing defense, then continued to forward and played that position for most of the season. After graduation, Edwards will not partake in soccer at his college, however, he might play in a club while studying health sciences.

  • What did you enjoy most about the season?
    • “I thought we had a super tight-knit group of boys this year, and everyone got along. We played well together.”
  • How have you improved this season vs last season?
    • “I thought I contributed a lot this season, definitely scored more goals this season, in comparison to other seasons, so I thought I was helpful.”
  • What will you miss most about playing at Sage Creek?
    • “Just playing with some of the boys that I haven’t been [able] to play with before, some of my old club teammates like Jet and Titus. Sage Creek athletics has been such a fun thing for me, and that’s how I’ve made a lot of my most meaningful friendships, so I’ll definitely miss it in the future.”
  • What are you looking forward to after graduation?
    • “I think I’m just looking forward to freedom and exploring things on my own. And learning how to do life outside of high school.”
Photo taken by Lilly McCoy
Players run drills during practice in preparation of their playoff games. Last year varsity boys soccer won the CIF championship against West Hills.

Gavin Goddard has been playing soccer for 13 years. Goddard also enjoys surfing and running cross-country. This season, he played center defensive mid and after high school, he plans on attending a four-year college and will probably continue his soccer career by playing intramural soccer.

  • What did you enjoy most about this season?
    • “This season was really fun. I love the guys on the team, they are all really fun and we won a lot again with this new league.”
  • How do you think you have improved this season versus last season?
    • “I think I definitely grew this season, it’s definitely different being a senior and kind of being a leader on the team.”
  • What will you miss most about this season?
    • “I’ll definitely miss the guys on the team. I’ll just miss playing, cause I’m probably not gonna play in college, so this is like the last time that I’m gonna play. Just being on a team for three years, builds a really strong bond with a lot of the guys. I’m gonna miss all the guys, they are awesome, and I love playing with them.”
  • What are you looking forward to after graduation?
    • “It’s crazy, I don’t really know what’s gonna happen after high school. I’m ready to leave, it’s gonna be fun.”

Harrison Logan has been playing soccer for 13 years and has played for Sage Creek all four years of high school. He also enjoys fishing, playing piano and partaking in Young Life. This year he played center back, however, his first three years he was a center defender.

  • What did you enjoy most about this season?
    • “It’s been a really fun team. All us seniors have been playing together for a long time and it’s been a really good way to cap off four years here at Sage.”
  • How do you think you have improved this season vs last season?
    • “I think this year we’ve definitely had our best league season, we came up with four wins.”
  • What will you miss most about playing at Sage Creek?
    • “I’d say the community that we’ve made here at Sage. It’s been such a memorable experience for me and the team, and also the coaching staff. Just being able to come out here every day and get to play the sport that we all love. Sage Creek has been a lot of fun playing soccer here and we’ve made a great community, and I’m gonna miss getting to play with everyone.”
  • What are you looking forward to after graduation?
    • “I’d say finding a new community that’s kinda similar to what I found here at Sage, having that fun and passion of playing soccer.”
Photo taken by Lilly McCoy
Coach Neil Keith watches his players run laps around the soccer field whilst warming up for practice.

Jackson Ginn has been playing soccer since he was six years old. He also enjoys playing volleyball and golf. This season he played center mid, and after graduation, he plans on attending a 4-year university where he will also partake in intramural soccer.

  • What did you enjoy most about playing this season?
    • “All the guys have known each other since we were like seven so just having that connection with all of them.”
  • How do you think you’ve improved this season versus last season?
    • “This season it was a lot nicer cause I grew a lot, so I think that I did the best this season out of all the seasons.”
  • What will you miss most about playing with Sage Creek?
    • “The team more than anything. All the memories… I just have some random memories of someone making a shot or us celebrating funny.”
  • What are you looking forward to most after graduation?
    • “Probably just like a restart and getting to meet new people, cause I feel like we kinda live in a bubble.”

Jet Trask has been playing soccer since he was 5-years-old. When he’s not playing soccer, he also enjoys playing baseball and hanging out with his friends. This season he played center mid, and after high school is planning on continuing his soccer career at Sacramento State.

  • What did you enjoy most about playing the season?
    • “Just the guys on the team, just a super great group of guys. A lot of seniors and everybody got along super well and it was a super fun time.”
  • How do you think you’ve improved this season vs last season?
    • “I definitely thought, although we would have wanted to win CIF again, I thought it was still a really good season for the program, lots of young guys got a lot of minutes, and it’s definitely gonna help the program in the future, there’s definitely a lot of potential.”
  • What will you miss most about playing with Sage Creek?
    • “The guys on the team, some of them I’ve played with since freshman year, so it’s gonna suck not being able to play with them again. I’ve always enjoyed every single high school practice and game just because the coaches are really cool, and it’s always just been really fun to play with [everyone].”
  • What are you looking forward to after graduation?
    • “I’m looking forward to playing at a higher level and getting to really invest myself in the sport. I’m not planning on going pro, but if the opportunity arises, then yeah man.”
Photo taken by Lilly McCoy
Players walk back onto the field after a brief pep talk with their coach. This season, boys varsity soccer has had an overall record of 11-8-3.

Owen Damitz has been playing soccer for 14 years. When he is not playing soccer he enjoys playing video games with friends and playing beach volleyball. This season, Damitz was a goalie. After graduation, Damitz is planning on going to a 4-year college where he will not be playing for the school, however, he will probably join an intramural team.

  • What did you enjoy most about playing this season?
    • “I really liked just how everyone was so friendly on the team. We’re all just really good friends, so even if we lose games we’re all just there for each other and make things fun.”
  • How do you think you’ve improved this season versus last season?
    • “Last season we had a lot of underclassmen, so then just getting older helped us a lot, and also winning CIF last year got us a lot more experience.”
  • What will you miss most about playing with Sage Creek?
    • “Probably the players, coaches and just playing soccer.”
  • What are you looking forward to after graduation?
    • “Being independent.”

Titus Washington has been playing soccer for 11 years. Washington has dedicated most of his life to soccer, although he did play t-ball for a small time. This season, he played striker up top. After graduation, Washington will attend Sacramento State where he will continue his soccer career while also studying business and marketing.

  • What did you enjoy most about the season?
    • “I got my career high Vinny season. I got 22 goals, and I’ve been on top of the division three table for a long time now. Twenty-two goals is a big accomplishment for me, and I’m really excited about that.”
  • How do you think you’ve improved the season versus last season?
    • “My sophomore year was my first year playing soccer [at Sage]. I played shy. Scored like two goals. As a junior, I scored four goals and had eight assists. This year I had 22 goals and six assists, so it’s definitely a large gap there.”
  • What will you miss most about playing with Sage Creek?
    • “I really like the group of guys, and at times we disagree with each other, but I still love the group of guys and they’re all my really close friend, so I’m really going to miss that.”
  • What are you looking forward to after graduation?
    • “I’m just really looking forward to all the soccer that I’m going to be playing. Right now, I have some soccer and then brakes and stuff, but when I get up there, it’s just going to be all soccer which I’m really excited for.”
Photo taken by Lilly McCoy
The team prepares for the playoffs by stretching before their practice. They lost their playoff game against West Hills by a score of 3-1.

Victor Vargas has been playing soccer since his freshman year. When he’s not playing soccer he enjoys swimming and being late to things. Other than playing at Sage Creek, he has also played in club sports for two years. This season he played center defensive, although he started as a winger, transitioned to a striker and finally ended up at midfield where he has stayed since.  After high school, Vargas plans on going to college and “grind it out and see what happens.”

  • What did you enjoy most about the season?
    • “I like most of my teammates, and them helping me with stuff, and then, just winning with them was pretty cool.”
  • How do you think you’ve improved this season versus last season?
    • “I mean personally, I didn’t play as much, but I did enjoy some time playing.”
  • What will you miss most about playing with Sage Creek?
    • “I think what I’ll miss most is the seniors. They were all really nice and cool. I think I’m just going to miss the team in general. Playing with Sage Creek in general too just because it’s been my school for four years, and it’s kind of cool wearing the colors and repping the name.”
  • What are you looking forward to after graduation?
    • “After high school,  I’m looking forward to kind of starting my own life, being a little bit more independent and just seeing how it goes from there.”
Photo taken by Lilly McCoy
Xavier Salazar smiles for the camera while stretching with his teammates. This season Salazar played as defensive midfield for varsity soccer.

Xavier Salazar has been playing soccer for all four years in high school and has also partaken in Wave for five years. Outside of soccer, he enjoys golfing, surfing and fishing. This season he played many positions around the field, but mainly defensive midfield. Salazar plans on attending community college for two years, then transferring to a UC and becoming a firefighter. However, he does not intend on continuing his soccer career after graduation.

  • What did you enjoy most about this season?
    • “How fast I can run.”
  • How do you think you’ve improved this season versus last season?
    • “Gotten a lot faster, that’s for sure.”
  • What will you miss most about playing with Sage Creek?
    • “You know the experience with your friends, building that bond with your teammates, so I’m going to miss that.”
  • What are you looking forward to most after graduation?
    • “Honestly nothing. Just along for the ride.”

Zach Schubert has been playing soccer since he was 4-years-old. Along with soccer, he also enjoys playing lacrosse, going to the beach, hiking, playing video games and keeping himself busy. Although he has mainly played lacrosse for Sage Creek, he has partaken in club soccer at the beginning of high school. This season Schubert played defensive on the right side. After graduation, Schubert plans on going to college and studying engineering.

  • What did you enjoy most about playing the season?
    • “I really like the great group of guys we have this year, especially since we are on the same page. We had 16 seniors you don’t get that from many varsity teams. We have a great group of guys, and we did really well in League this year.”
  • How do you think you’ve improved this season versus last season?
    • “This year I definitely think I improved, I had the opportunity to get more minutes and shine out in the field. I definitely took advantage of that opportunity, and ever since the first game, I’ve always gotten some time on the field.”
  • What will you miss most about playing a Sage Creek?
    • “When I go to college, I’m not going to be representing a school. I’m not going to be fighting for the school. I mean, I’ll wear my college with pride, but Sage Creek is special and every time I’m on the field I’m fighting for the SC logo on our chests. That commodity is something that I probably won’t have in the future.”
  • What are you looking forward to after graduation?
    • “New adventures, new experiences meeting new people, traveling the world; those are just some of the things I’m looking forward to.”

Editor’s note: The original version of this article had quotes associated with Aryan Pandhare’s name. It was brought to our attention that he was not the one who said them. Since then, he has been interviewed, and the article has been updated to reflect the correct information.