2/25/29 – 3/01/19: Week In Photos

  • On Monday, students of all grade levels visited the ASB table at lunch to sign names of someone they cared for. Students lined up to write a name or a short message about that person that they would “say something” for.

  • Senior Bonnie Brasher has taken care over one of our new Austrian friends, Fabian, here at Sage Creek and off campus for a total of two weeks. Sage Creek is hosting a program for students from Austria to come to America and shadow a student at school and at home.

  • The U.S. Army visits Sage Creek during lunch to accept signups and give out lanyards. Waiting for interested Bobcats, the recruiters huddle up around the Academic Hall last Wednesday afternoon.

  • Senior Danny Rubin and freshman Bryce Gilmore pose for a photo after racing the mile. Rubin placed second with Gilmore right behind him in third in the extremely close race at the Mt. Carmel Distance Invitational this past rainy Saturday afternoon.

  • Senior economic students await instruction from the JA Finance guides on what their tasks throughout the day will be. Mr. Co’s first and fifth period econ classes spent a majority of last Thursday at the JA FInance Park, living in simulations to better learn key economic skills such as formulating a budget.

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