Jazz Player By Day, Conductor By Night
Sophomore EJ Hardy conducts during orchestra in preparation for their upcoming concert. The Spring Concert will be on Thursday, Feb. 28 in the Performing Arts Center.
Feb 28, 2019
At Sage Creek, note by note, sophomore Ej Hardy is making his mark on the music program. His passion not only falls into performing but also conducting.
“Ej’s always just been a natural leader, he’s thinking about pursuing music education as a career, so I’m trying to get him involved in that side of things as much as possible,” band and orchestra teacher Juline Quinones said, “He leads our jazz band, conducts at our concerts and runs some rehearsals.”
Aside from conducting and his future endeavors of wanting to be a freelance musician, Hardy also enjoys playing the bass and interacting with his classmates.
“He’s a bubble of happiness, his laugh is super contagious, it’s really hard not to laugh while he’s laughing and he’s overall a really fun person to be with,” fellow musician Josh Hamilton said.

EJ Hardy practices a melody on his saxophone as his friends critique him. This is one of many instruments that Hardy is able to practice and play.
Other classmates or rather, close friends, note how Hardy’s overall presence while in class and his love of music brings them closer.
“I’m good at applying musical ideas, and he’s very good at creating musical ideas, so [those] two traits go hand in hand and both of us are very interested in the musical field so naturally we just bond closer,” friend Nick Tappin said, “He sets a standard for what a good musician is what being your Bobcat B.E.S.T is in the music program.”
Through this program, Hardy feels like he is growing as a musician and a person and feels as though he has finally found his passion.
“I’m gonna definitely major in something music related whether it be music education or Jazz studies,” Hardy said, “… some sort of a teacher or musician.”
Hardy seems hopeful, excited, yet anxious for what lies ahead in his future; however, rightfully so. The music industry is not easy to get into and vigorous competition is a variable that is a force to be reckoned with as only the best of the best can make it.
Does Hardy have what it takes? Only time will tell us, but for now, Hardy will continue practicing and polishing his skills hoping for his big dream to come true.
“It’s preparing me for the real world,” Hardy said, “I feel excited. I’m ready to learn. I’m ready to teach.”