Ten Seniors, Ten Genius Projects

Kylie Valency

More stories from Kylie Valency

Julia Araujo

More stories from Julia Araujo

  • “I am using the Sage Creek Genius Project as an opportunity to help improve the Juvenile system,” Audrey Azzeh said.

  • “For my Genius Project, I held a collaborative basketball practice with the boy’s varsity team and my Special Olympics basketball team that I coach,” Aditya Bhatia said.

  • “My Genius Project is to bring a Comedy Sports team to Sage Creek. Comedy Sports is a competitive comedy improv team where we compete against other schools in improv matches,” Allison DelGrande said.

  • “I got in contact with an orphanage in Egypt I was close with when I was younger and I set up an event where I taught them how to play volleyball,” Carla Kelliny said.

  • “For my Genius Project, I am hosting tennis camps for little kids,” Diego Navarro said.

  • “For my Genius Project, I am working with Ethan Stark on making an album. We are going to document us and the creation of the album and all the steps needed to make music,” Gabe Serafin said.

  • “My Genius Project is getting kids 16 and up to preregister to vote, so they can vote in the future,” Noal Barry said.

  • “My Genius Project was to create a science summer enrichment camp for kids in Carlsbad,” Nicole Yuen said.

  • “My Genius Project is expressing gratitude to all the staff members at Sage Creek by creating doodles of them,” VyVy Pham said.

  • “For my Genius Project, I want to create a baseball camp for kids on Camp Pendleton in case they can’t afford it because we’ve got to give back to our Veterans,” Zach Kubczak said.

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