10/22/18-10/26/18: Week in Photos

  • Freshman wear red on Wednesday, Oct. 24 to demonstrate their drug free pride. During Red Ribbon Week, our school dressed up to celebrate the national occasion.

  • A guest speaker came in to give a speech on the impact drunk driving can have on your life. The assembly was held on Wednesday as part of Red Ribbon Week.

  • Contestants are ready to face off in the watermelon eating contest at lunch on Thursday, Oct. 25. Participants raced to finish the watermelon with their hands behind their back.

  • A student cruises on a scooter making his way to the finish line. Students participated in a drunk goggle simulation at lunch to support the anti- drugs theme of Red Ribbon Week.

  • Theater students start their dress rehearsal. The play Dear Edwina JR took place on Friday.

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