New Horizon for Forza

Jeremy Colvin, Staff Writer

To fly down an open road in a Ferrari, drift around a tight corner in a GTR, or jump off some sand dunes in a Ford Raptor, are just a few of the things you can try in the new racing game Forza Horizon 3. This isn’t just a racing game, it’s an open world with all the cars you would ever want, and unlimited amount of races and jumps to do. In Forza Horizon 3, you pick your style by deciding the music, the location, and the cars to race, because this is your game. You can get extra money by not crashing into anything for a while, or get some cash by breaking fences down and smashing light posts. You could race a Lamborghini on a big open road, or jump a baja buggy off a cliff. With over 350 cars waiting for you, there is nothing in the game stopping you from doing what you want.

The graphics running at 4k and 30 frames per second are incredible, and make it really feel like you are really driving the car you are racing. From the realistic reflections on the car, to the sun shining through the trees. When you are racing, it is intensely fun as you try  to carefully maneuver the car around the track, while trying to pass the other cars at the difficulty you set.

The difficulty begins on a easy mode, but you can change all of the difficulty settings, such as the AI speed, the driving line, which shows you the fastest line and when to brake, the car assists, and the anti brake lock, which keeps your car’s brakes from locking up. Also, the way the cars handle, is a fun, yet realistic mix, to keep it serious, but not stressful.

The customization factor to this game is a very big part of it. Everything you might need to customize, is possible, from the ride height, to the paint job, you can customize it.

The music selection is very broad as well.  You can choose dubstep, hip hop, classical, and so on. They even went as far as to let you add your own music from Groove, a music app you can install on the Xbox One. The music variety should play to anybodies style, even turning the radio off. The festival is like a big party with all of your fans in the game.

The way you get fans in the game is by winning races, and doing PR stunts. The more fans you get, the more festivals you can open in different places, opening up even more races to get even more fans. The price of the game is the usual amount for triple A titles, which is $60 dollars. Overall I would give the game a 10/10 because the game is very fun to play, and there were no flaws to even cover about the game, which means it is basically perfect, so if you were planning on getting any racing games, Forza Horizon 3 would be the game to pick.