Faces Behind Our School District
Oct 2, 2018
The CUSD, aims to provide every student with an extraordinary education in an inspiring environment, but who are the people behind these words? Most students at Sage Creek have roughly been attending school since around the age five, but only a handful of them could present you the names of the CUSD board members. It’s time for that to change.
The board is made up of five adult members and three student representatives. Below is a list of these representatives along with their positions, the expected end of their term and a few fun facts.
Mr. Ray Pearson

The 2018-2019 adult board members gather for their group photo. The District covers 42 square miles, serves over 110,000 students throughout Carlsbad, the district also serves communities of Oceanside and San Marcos.
Elected to board: 2014
Serves until: 2020
Local to California (born and raised), Pearson attended public schools throughout his life and attended CSU Los Angeles. He impressively racks a total of 30+ years of business experience as well as 40+ years of community involvement. You can find him judging Carlsbad High School (CHS) speech and debate competitions. Pearson is committed to ensuring a bright future for all children and our community.
Ms. Kathy Rallings
Vice President
Elected to board: 2010
Serves until: 2018
She grew up in Huntington Beach, California and is a product of the California public school system. Rallings has a son attending the University of Washington and pursuing a baseball career, as well as another son who attends elementary school in the district. Currently, she acts as a Health Benefits Specialist (educating public school districts throughout California on how to be knowledgeable purchasers of healthcare). For Carlsbad Schools, she aims to create an environment of engagement with parents, teachers and community members to support our students and to prepare them for the future. Find her throughout Carlsbad spending time with family, playing tennis, water and Snow skiing and watching her older son play baseball.
Mrs. Veronica Williams
Elected to board: 2010
Serves until: 2018
Veronica has been a local here in Carlsbad since 2000 and has two sons with her husband. She is a small business owner developing online solutions for private and public entities. As for CUSD, she aims to develop and prepare our students for the 21st-century workplace, improve student achievement, outcomes and graduation rates, and teach students to become lifelong learners in a safe and healthy environment. Besides being a CUSD board member, William’s enjoys spending time outside as a trail runner, adventure racer, soccer player and flying trapeze artist.
Ms. Claudine Jones
Elected to board: 2013
Serves until: 2018
Jones has resided with her two children and husband in Carlsbad for a decade now. She is also a member of the League of Women Voters of North County San Diego. Outside of helping kids in the classroom or attending meetings for the board, she trains for half-marathons, reads and bakes.
Mrs. Elisa Williamson
Elected to board: 2000
Serves until: 2020
Resident of Carlsbad, Williamson has served as Board President or Vice President for 8 years but has since stepped into a member roll. Both of her children have graduated from the district. She also acted as the co-chair of the Prop P bond campaign and has received a Masters in Governance for her work on at the district.

Katie Cruz
Carlsbad High School Student Representative
Serves: 18-19 school year.
Senior Cruz plans-to voice the opinions of students from all schools in CUSD this year, since she believes this adds connection with a sense of community.
Alexis Petty
Sage Creek High School Student Representative
Serves: 18-19 school year
Petty feels as though her position in the board is to represent highschool students across the district. She aims to lead with her best foot forward and do all she can to make CUSD an amazing learning environment for years to come.
Sidney McClellan
Carlsbad Seaside Academy Student Representative
Serves: 18-19 school year
Sidney McClellan is a 12th-grade student at Carlsbad Seaside Academy and aims to advocate for her peers throughout the year. McClellan feels that being involved in the academic process can offer both the students and the District valuable insights on how to present the best possible educational opportunities.
All information on CUSD and the board members used in this article and more can be found here.